Manage Programs: Edit Programs
This article illustrates how to edit Programs within the Manage Programs page in Transferology® Lab.
Articles in this series:
Within Manage Programs, Transferology® Lab School Administrators and Program Administrators can add and import Program information to share with students and staff in Transferology® and Transferology® Lab, respectively. Data can also be exported, edited, or deleted. Subscribing institutions are encouraged to provide program information to help students explore their transfer options.
To navigate to Manage Programs:
- Go to Program Setup.
- Select Manage Programs.
Edit Programs
To edit a program:
- Select the Edit Program button (pencil icon) to the right of the Program's Name.
- Use the Filter to locate the Program by Name, Code or Degree Type if desired.
- Use the Filter to locate the Program by Name, Code or Degree Type if desired.
- The Program page will appear. Fill in or adjust the information using the Program Fields chart.
- Select Save.
- Or, select Cancel to stop editing the Program and instead return to the Manage Programs page.
Tip: After editing a program in Transferology Lab, test the audit to ensure it is working properly. See Manage Programs: Run Programs.