Update the Transferology School Profile

This article provides instructions for making changes to the School Profile via the Transferology® Lab. CollegeSource will build the initial profile for colleges and universities during onboarding, with the exception of Tuition Descriptions. Please review Set Up the Transferology School Profile before making adjustments.

Institutions must reach out to CollegeSource to request an update to the banner image.

Images must be in a 3:1 ratio. They should optimally be 1890x630 pixels and either a JPG/JPEG or PNG file.

Logo Image

Institutions must reach out to CollegeSource to request an update to the logo image.

Images must be in a 1:1 ratio. They should optimally be 180x180 pixels and a JPG/JPEG or PNG file.

School Information

The institution can adjust all information, except Tuition & Fees, at any point.

Tuition & Fees are different from Tuition Descriptions. Tuition & fee values are supplied by the National Center for Education Statistics, whereas Tuition Descriptions are additional tuition amounts that schools can optionally display in Transferology®.


This section of the profile is used to describe the institution.

To edit existing information:

  1. On the Profile Preview tab, select the Edit Profile button under the banner image.
  2. Select the Edit School Description button to the right of the About header.
  3. Use the text editor to adjust the text and add/remove bolding, italics, bullet points, numbering, or hyperlinks.

Image of text editor window. Bold, italic, bullet point, numbering, and hyperlink buttons appear towards the top left.

  1. Select Save.

Information links help students and other stakeholders locate information about transfer, admissions, financial aid, and registration.

To edit an existing link:

  1. On the Profile Preview tab, select the Edit Profile button under the banner image.
  2. Select the Edit Information Links button, located to the right of the Information Links header.
  3. Use the keyboard to adjust the URL needing an update.

Image of areas in which Transfer Information, Admissions Application, Admission Information, Financial Aid Information, and Registration Information Links can be added or edited.

  1. Select Save.

If an information link is not supplied, the link heading will not appear on the School Profile in Transferology®.

When creating an institution landing page, the links above will auto-populate within the Information Links section of the Institution Template Editor. Since all fields within the editor must be filled out to publish the landing page, School Admins will be required to fill in all Information Link fields in the editor. Updating the information links via the School Profile will update them in the editor and vice versa. If published, the updated links will appear on the institutional landing page automatically.

Custom information links can be used to direct students to additional resources at the institution.

To add a custom link:

  1. On the Profile Preview tab, select the Edit Profile button under the banner image.
  2. Select the Edit Information Links button, located to the right of the Information Links header.
  3. Select +Add Custom Link.
  4. Where it says Custom Display Text (50 chars max), enter the header name to display in Transferology®.
  5. Enter or paste the URL under the heading name.

  1. Select Save.


This section of the school profile communicates the credentials that a student can earn at the institution.

To update/add an award:

  1. On the Profile Preview tab, select the Edit Profile button under the banner image.
  2. Select the Edit Award Types button to the right of the Awards header.
  3. To add an award, select the empty box to the left of the award name.
    • A white checkmark will appear within a now blue box.
  4. To remove an award, select the checkmark to the left of the award name.

Image depicts award options: undergraduate certificate/diploma, Associate’s degrees, Bachelor's degrees, Post-Baccalaureate certificate, Master's degree, Doctoral Degree. All boxes are marked except for the Doctoral degree, indicating the institution does not offer programs resulting in this credential.

  1. Select Save.

Tuition Descriptions

Institutions can supply three additional tuition values to help students better understand the cost of attending the college or university:

  1. Average Grants/Scholarships
  2. Average Graduate School Costs
  3. Custom Tuition Type

See Create Tuition Descriptions for further instructions if these values have not already been added to the profile.

To edit a Tuition Description:

  1. On the Profile Preview tab, select the Edit Profile button under the banner image.
  2. Select the Edit Tuition Descriptions button to the right of the Tuition Descriptions header.

Average Grants/Scholarships

  1. Use the keyboard or the up/down arrows to adjust the Dollar Value.
  2. Use the keyboard to adjust the Description.
    • Limit: 300 characters.

Callout highlights the location of the up/down arrows.

Where a description is provided, users can select the information icon to view additional details.

Note reads Transfer Scholarship.

  1. Select Save.

Average Graduate School Costs

  1. Use the keyboard or the up/down arrows to adjust the Dollar Value.
  2. Use the keyboard to adjust the Description.
    • Limit: 300 characters.

Callout highlights the location of the up/down arrows.

Where a description is provided, users can select the information icon to view additional details.

Note reads Average includes graduate scholarships. Contact Admissions for further information.

  1. Select Save.

Custom Tuition Type

  1. Use the keyboard to adjust the Title.
    • This is the title users will see when viewing the School Profile when searching for matches.
    • Limit: 25 characters.
  2. Use the keyboard or the up/down arrows to adjust the Dollar Value.
  3. Use the keyboard to adjust the Description.
    • Limit: 300 characters.

Callout highlights the location of the up/down arrows.

Where a description is provided, users can select the information icon to view additional details.

Additional Tuition Information note indicates that textbook costs are included.

  1. Select Save.

School Alias Tags

School Alias Tags provide a way to improve a school's searchability in Transferology®. Institutions can input a word related to the school, such as its mascot, nickname, abbreviation, or slogan in Transferology Lab. When a student or fellow Transferology Lab user enters one of these tags when searching for a school or course, the institution will appear toward the top of the search results.

Upon implementing Transferology, each school's email domain will be pre-populated as an alias tag. See Create and Remove School Alias Tags for further information.

School alias tag as displayed on the Profile Preview tab

School Type and Population

To update the School Type, Year Type, Total Students, and (number of) Undergrads field information:

  1. On the Profile Preview tab, select the Edit Profile button under the banner image.
  2. Select the Edit button to the right of the element to be updated.
  3. Use the keyboard to adjust the data within the field box.

Close up image of Distance, School Type, Year Type, Total Students, Undergrads, and Tuition & Fee sections of school profile.

  1. Select Save.

Phone Number

To update the institution phone number:

  1. On the Profile Preview tab, select the Edit Profile button under the banner image.
  2. Select the Edit Phone Number button to the right of the number.

  1. Use the keyboard to adjust the data within the field box.
  2. Select Save.


To update the institution address:

  1. Select the Locations tab.
  2. Use the keyboard to adjust data in the Address, City, State, and Zip Code fields as needed.
    • All fields are required.
Location tab
Click to see a larger version
  1. Select Save.

To update the Map marker location:

  1. Select the Locations tab.
  2. Use the keyboard to adjust the data in the Latitude, Longitude, and Zoom (3-21) fields as needed.
    • All fields are required.
  3. Select Save.

If the college or university has created an institution landing page, changes to the map marker location will also be reflected within the map of the school location on that page.


To update the website URL:

  1. Select the General Information tab.
  2. Under Details, navigate to the Website field.
Image depicts location of website URL on General Information tab
Select to see a larger version
  1. Use the keyboard to adjust the data as needed.
  2. Scroll to the bottom of the page and select Save.
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