Create Institution Landing Pages: Sample Landing Page

An institution can create a customized, branded Transferology® landing page to help promote the college or university to prospective students. When navigating to Transferology through the institution's referral link or badge, students will see the customized page (assuming it is published) instead of the CollegeSource-branded homepage. This article within Create Institution Landing Pages: An Overview Guide contains images of a sample institution landing page. Its aim is to help institutions see what page elements are affected by primary, secondary, and tertiary color selections.

Sample Landing Page

Below is an example of a sample landing page for the e fictional CollegeSource University (SH).

  • The primary color hex used is #00008b (dark blue).
  • The secondary color hex used is #b94700 (orange).
  • The tertiary hex code used is #4a584b (dark green)

The primary, secondary, and tertiary colors below were chosen to draw visual attention to the areas of the page affected by color choice. They are not intended to be representative of color choices that an institution would make for a landing page.

Sample Transferology Landing Page

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