Edit State/System Landing Pages: Landing Page Images
States/systems can create a customized, branded Transferology® landing page to help promote colleges and universities to prospective students. When navigating to Transferology through the system's referral link or badge, students will see the customized page (assuming it is published) instead of the CollegeSource-branded homepage.
Before making changes to the landing page, please see Edit State/System Landing Pages: An Overview Guide. State Coordinators will need to determine whether to make changes to the landing page in its published or unpublished state. This article assumes that, if needed, the landing page has already been unpublished and will be republished afterward once changes are complete.
Articles in this series:
- Customize the Transferology Landing Page
- Create State/System Landing Pages: An Overview Guide
- Edit State/System Landing Pages: An Overview Guide
- Edit State/System Landing Pages: Color Selection
- Edit State/System Landing Pages: Information
- Edit State/System Landing Pages: Links
- Edit State/System Landing Pages: Landing Page Images
- Edit State/System Landing Pages: SEO Optimization
Edit State/System Landing Pages: Links overviews the process for editing the images with links that students can access to learn more about the institutions within the state/system when visiting its Transferology landing page. In addition, states/systems can customize three other images on the page:
- The Logo Image.
- The Header Image.
- The Cover Image.
- The Thumbnail Image
To change the logo, header, cover, or thumbnail images currently or last displayed on the landing page:
- Go to the School Profile menu.
- Select Promote Your School.
Users can also navigate to Promote Your School via the How to promote your school hyperlink within the Profile Preview.
- Select the State/System Template tab.
- Users will be presented with a message asking for affirmation that the content of the landing page is not the responsibility of CollegeSource. Images, color, and text added to this page are the responsibility of the institution, state, or system to which the page belongs.
- Mark the checkbox in front of I agree and select Agree to continue.
- Scroll down to the section labeled Landing Page Images.
Logo Image
When creating the state/system landing page, State Coordinators supply a logo to appear on the Transferology landing page. For best results, use an image of 875x375 pixels. The image must be a JPG, JPEG, or PNG file no more than 1MB in size.
The image currently or last displayed on the landing page will appear under Logo Image within the template editor.
To upload a new image:
- Select Choose New Image.
- Select Upload Your Own.
- Select Choose File to upload the image.
- The image will appear under Original.
- Use the cropping tools to adjust the width or length of the frame.
- Use the mouse to move the positioning of the image within the frame.
- Use the - and + buttons to scale the image within the frame.
- When done, select Crop to preview the image under Final.
- Select Upload.
- Confirm the image appears in the editor as below.
- Select the Preview Changes button at the top of the template to see how the new image will appear on the landing page.
To upload a different image, select Choose New Image and repeat the steps above.
Alternate Text
Transferology supplies alternate text (or "alt text") for the logo image to help assistive technology users understand the image's content and for use in search engine optimization.
The default alternate text for the logo image is [State/System Name] logo picture and is used by a published landing page when the Logo Image Alternate Text field is blank.
- To override the default text, enter up to 120 characters into this field.
- To change state/system-supplied alternate text, use the keyboard to make adjustments.
- While image and alternate text changes automatically save upon upload, it is a good idea to select Save Changes to save work on the landing page in case other changes were made.
- A pop-up will appear noting that the user is about to make changes to the landing page for the institution. Doing so will make these changes visible to the public if the landing page has been published. Make sure to review changes via the Preview Changes button.
- Select Yes to proceed with saving changes.
- A confirmation will appear indicating that changes have been saved.
Header Image
When creating the state/system landing page, State Coordinators upload a header image or use a preselected header image that appears on the Transferology landing page.
The image currently or last displayed on the landing page will appear under Header Image within the template editor.
Upload Your Own
For best results, use an image of 1200x1100 pixels. The image must be a JPG, JPEG, or PNG file no more than 1MB in size.
To upload a new image:
- Select Choose New Image.
- Select Upload Your Own.
- Select Choose File to upload the image.
- The image will appear under Original.
- Use the cropping tools to adjust the width or length of the frame.
- Use the mouse to move the positioning of the image within the frame.
- Use the - and + buttons to scale the image within the frame.
- When done, select Crop to preview the image under Final.
- Select Upload.
- Confirm the image appears in the editor as below.
- Select the Preview Changes button at the top of the template to see how the new image will appear on the landing page.
To use a different header image, select Choose New Image and:
- Repeat the steps above if uploading an image, or
- See the steps below for picking from preselected images.
Alternate Text
Transferology supplies alternate text (or "alt text") for the header image to help assistive technology users understand the image's content and for use in search engine optimization.
The default alternate text for the logo image is [State/System Name] header picture and is used by a published landing page when the Header Image Alternate Text field is blank.
- To override the default text, enter up to 120 characters into this field.
- To change state/system-supplied alternate text, use the keyboard to make adjustments.
- While image and alternate text changes automatically save upon upload, it is a good idea to select Save Changes to save work on the landing page in case other changes were made.
- A pop-up will appear noting that the user is about to make changes to the landing page for the institution. Doing so will make these changes visible to the public if the landing page has been published. Make sure to review changes via the Preview Changes button.
- Select Yes to proceed with saving changes.
- A confirmation will appear indicating that changes have been saved.
Pick From Our Preselected Images
To choose a different picture from the image gallery:
- Select Choose New Image.
- Select Pick From Our Preselected Images.
- Select Choose File to upload the image.
- Scroll through the images in the gallery.
- Press Select to choose the image.
- Under Final, select Upload.
- Users can also choose Select Image to return to the image gallery to select a different image.
- Confirm the image appears in the editor as below.
- Select the Preview Changes button at the top of the template to see how the image will appear on the landing page.
To choose a different preselected image, select Choose New Image and repeat the steps above.
Alternate Text
Transferology supplies alternate text (or "alt text") for the header image to help assistive technology users understand the image's content and for use in search engine optimization.
The default alternate text for the logo image is [State/System Name] header picture and is used by a published landing page when the Header Image Alternate Text field is blank.
- To override the default text, enter up to 120 characters into this field.
- To change state/system-supplied alternate text, use the keyboard to make adjustments.
- While image and alternate text changes automatically save upon upload, it is a good idea to select Save Changes to save work on the landing page in case other changes were made.
- A pop-up will appear noting that the user is about to make changes to the landing page for the institution. Doing so will make these changes visible to the public if the landing page has been published. Make sure to review changes via the Preview Changes button.
- Select Yes to proceed with saving changes.
- A confirmation will appear indicating that changes have been saved.
Cover Image
When creating the state/system landing page, State Coordinators upload a cover image or use a preselected cover image that appears on the landing page above a description of the institutions within the state/system.
The image currently or last displayed on the landing page will appear under Cover Image within the template editor.
Upload Your Own
For best results, use an image of 1840x680 pixels. The image must be a JPG, JPEG, or PNG file no more than 1MB in size.
To upload an image:
- Select Choose New Image.
- Select Upload Your Own.
- Select Choose File to upload the image.
- The image will appear under Original.
- Use the cropping tools to adjust the width or length of the frame.
- Use the mouse to move the positioning of the image within the frame.
- Use the - and + buttons to scale the image within the frame.
- When done, select Crop to preview the image under Final.
- Select Upload.
- Confirm the image appears in the editor as below.
- Select the Preview Changes button at the top of the template to see how the image will appear on the landing page.
To use a different cover image, select Choose New Image and:
- Repeat the steps above if uploading an image, or
- See the steps below for picking from preselected images.
Alternate Text
Transferology supplies alternate text (or "alt text") for the cover image to help assistive technology users understand the image's content and for use in search engine optimization.
The default alternate text for the logo image is [State/System Name] cover picture and is used by a published landing page when the Cover Image Alternate Text field is blank.
- To override the default text, enter up to 120 characters into this field.
- To change state/system-supplied alternate text, use the keyboard to make adjustments.
- While image and alternate text changes automatically save upon upload, it is a good idea to select Save Changes to save work on the landing page in case other changes were made.
- A pop-up will appear noting that the user is about to make changes to the landing page for the institution. Doing so will make these changes visible to the public if the landing page has been published. Make sure to review changes via the Preview Changes button.
- Select Yes to proceed with saving changes.
- A confirmation will appear indicating that changes have been saved.
Pick From Our Preselected Images
- Select Choose New Image.
- Select Pick From Our Preselected Images.
- Scroll through the images in the gallery.
- Press Select to choose the image.
- Under Final, select Upload.
- Users can also choose Select Image to return to the image gallery to select a different image.
- Confirm the image appears in the editor as below.
- Select the Preview Changes button at the top of the template to see how the image will appear on the landing page.
To choose a different preselected image, select Choose New Image and repeat the steps above.
Alternate Text
Transferology supplies alternate text (or "alt text") for the cover image to help assistive technology users understand the image's content and for use in search engine optimization.
The default alternate text for the logo image is [State/System Name] cover picture and is used by a published landing page when the Cover Image Alternate Text field is blank.
- To override the default text, enter up to 120 characters into this field.
- To change state/system-supplied alternate text, use the keyboard to make adjustments.
- While image and alternate text changes automatically save upon upload, it is a good idea to select Save Changes to save work on the landing page in case other changes were made.
- A pop-up will appear noting that the user is about to make changes to the landing page for the institution. Doing so will make these changes visible to the public if the landing page has been published. Make sure to review changes via the Preview Changes button.
- Select Yes to proceed with saving changes.
- A confirmation will appear indicating that changes have been saved.
Thumbnail Image
Transferology supplies a default thumbnail image for each state/system landing page. The title Transferology for (State/System Name) will appear to the right of the image, along with the SEO Page Description (insert link).
To use a different thumbnail image (or replace one uploaded by the state/system), follow the steps below. For best results, use a 48x48-pixel image. The image must be a JPG, JPEG, or PNG file no more than 1MB in size.
- Where it says Thumbnail Image, select Upload Your Own or Choose New Image.
Upload Your Own will appear if the state/system has not uploaded its own image.
Choose New Image will display if the state/system uploaded an image.
- Select Upload Your Own when prompted.
- Select Choose File to upload the image.
- The image will appear under Original.
- Use the cropping tools to adjust the width or length of the frame.
- Use the mouse to move the positioning of the image within the frame.
- Use the - and + buttons to scale the image within the frame.
- When done, select Crop to preview the image under Final.
- Select Upload.
- Confirm the image appears in the editor as below.
To use a different thumbnail image, select Choose New Image and repeat the steps above.
Alternate Text
Image alternate text (or "alt text") helps assistive technology users understand the image's content and is used for search engine optimization.
Transferology does not currently use the Thumbnail Image Alternate Text field. Institutions do not need to populate any text in this field.
- While image and alternate text changes automatically save upon upload, it is a good idea to select Save Changes to save work on the landing page in case other changes were made.
- A pop-up will appear noting that the user is about to make changes to the landing page for the institution. Doing so will make these changes visible to the public if the landing page has been published. Make sure to review changes via the Preview Changes button.
- Select Yes to proceed with saving changes.
- A confirmation will appear indicating that changes have been saved.