Create State/System Landing Pages: Information

States/systems can create a customized, branded Transferology® landing page to help promote colleges and universities to prospective students. When navigating to Transferology through the system's referral link or badge, students will see the customized page (assuming it is published) instead of the CollegeSource-branded homepage. This article within Create State/System Landing Pages: An Overview Guide provides further details about the information that can be customized to help introduce the state/system to students.

States and systems must work with CollegeSource to collaboratively create the initial landing page. Once the landing page is in place, it will be maintained by users at the participating institutions with the State Coordinator role in the Lab and any other State Coordinators given access to edit the page.

The state/system will need to supply the following information to help students get better acquainted with the colleges and universities in the system.

Referral Code

This is the code students will use to access Transferology. For example: Referral codes can be no more than 32 characters. Codes can contain letters and numbers but no dots (.).
Schools part of a state contract with Transferology are also provided a separate state referral link structured as The same referral code can be used within both URLs.


A paragraph of no more than 250 characters introducing the state/system.

Text in the callout reads: CollegeSource Universities is a multi-state educational system with 10 campuses across the country.


A description of no more than 250 characters of the institutions within the state/system.

Text within the callout reads: Each CollegeSource University campus has a unique focus and curriculum that prepares students to be lifelong learners, for further enrollment in graduate programs, and to succeed in the workforce.

Credit Awards

State Coordinators will need to note whether institutions within the state or system award credit for any or all of the following learning experiences:
    • Standardized exams.
    • Military learning experiences.
    • Life learning experiences.

By default, if institutions within the state/system accept none of the experiences noted above, students will see the following text on the state/system landing page:

Text reads: See how your courses transfer.

A similar message appears under the state/system header image, indicating that the state/system has partnered with Transferology® to show students how institutions in the state will award credits for transferrable courses.

Text reads: Official partner of Transferology. The CollegeSource Universities has officially partnered with Transferology to show students how institutions in the State of MN will award credits for transferrable courses and more. Participating institutions. See how courses transfer to 10 institutions within CollegeSource Universities.

Lastly, under the three easy steps, the following text will display under step 2:

Add courses.  Add the college courses you have taken (or plan to take) to your My Courses list.

What learning experiences institutions in the state/system award credit for will influence what language appears within Step 2:

Checkbox Homepage Message Partnership Message 2 Add courses
None See how your courses transfer. The (STATE/SYSTEM NAME) has officially partnered with Transferology to show students how institutions will award credits for transferable courses and more. Add the college courses you have taken (or plan to take) to your My Courses list.
Standardized Exams See how your courses and exams transfer. The (STATE/SYSTEM NAME) has officially partnered with Transferology to show students how institutions will award credits for transferable courses, exams, and more. Add the college courses and exams you have taken (or plan to take) to your My Courses list.
Military Learning Experiences See how your courses and military experience transfer. The (STATE/SYSTEM NAME)  has officially partnered with Transferology to show students how institutions will award credits for transferable courses, military experience, and more. Add the college courses and military experience you have taken (or plan to take) to your My Courses list.
Life Learning Experiences See how your courses and life learning experiences transfer. The (STATE/SYSTEM NAME) has officially partnered with Transferology to show students how their institutions will award credits for transferable courses, life learning experiences, and more. Add the college courses and life learning experiences you have taken (or plan to take) to your My Courses list.

Below are the messages presented when institutions within the state/system award credit for more than one type of noted learning experience:

Combination Homepage Message Partnership Message 2 Add courses

Standardized Exams

Military Learning Experiences

See how your courses, exams, and military experience transfer. The (STATE/SYSTEM NAME) has officially partnered with Transferology to show students how their institutions will award credits for transferable courses, exams, military experience, and more. Add the college courses, exams, and military experience you have taken (or plan to take) to your My Courses list.

Standardized Exams

Life Learning Experiences

See how your courses, exams, and life learning experiences transfer. The (STATE/SYSTEM NAME) has officially partnered with Transferology to show students how their institutions will award credits for transferable courses, exams, life learning experiences, and more. Add the college courses, exams, and life learning experiences you have taken (or plan to take) to your My Courses list.

Military Learning Experiences

Life Learning Experiences

See how your courses, military experience, and life learning experiences transfer. The (STATE/SYSTEM NAME) has officially partnered with Transferology to show students how their institutions will award credits for transferable courses, military experience, life learning experiences, and more. Add the college courses, military experience, and life learning experiences you have taken (or plan to take) to your My Courses list.

Standardized Exams

Military Learning Experiences

Life Learning Experiences

See how your courses, exams, military experience, and life learning experiences transfer. The (STATE/SYSTEM NAME) has officially partnered with Transferology to show students how their institutions will award credits for transferable courses, exams, military experience, life learning experiences, and more. Add the college courses, exams, military experience, and life learning experiences you have taken (or plan to take) to your My Courses list.
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