Category Mappings: Assign ACourse/IFlag Statuses
This article details how institutions supplying rules from uAchieve® and PeopleSoft® can use Category Mappings to adjust the scoring of transfer rules carrying ACourses (and, in the case of uAchieve, IFlags).
Articles in this series:
- Category Mappings
- Category Mappings: Create and Assign Courses to Requirement Categories
- Category Mappings: Edit or Delete Requirement Categories
- Category Mappings: Assign ACourse/IFlag Statuses
To navigate to Category Mappings:
- Go to the Rule Management menu.
- Select Category Mappings.
- Select ACourses/IFlags.
When searching for Matches within Transferology®, students are presented with a list of colleges that have previously evaluated at least one of the courses, standardized Exams, or military credits entered. Unless students use a school, state, or state/system referral link or badge to access Transferology, Matches are presented for each school within a ranked list from the highest-to-lowest percentage of coursework accepted.
When it comes to transfer rules carrying ACourses and IFlags, the rule logic determines their weight; however, the weight can be adjusted within Category Mappings through the assignment and/or adjustment of statuses.
Assign ACourse/IFlag Statuses
By default, all ACourses and IFlags start out with the status of No Designation. This means that rules carrying ACourses and IFlags are assigned a default weight according to the logic of the individual rules. Before assigning statuses, review the ACourse and IFlg Scoring System to understand the existing rule-scoring logic and how the available statuses would affect ranking in Transferology®.
Once a status is set, the button turns dark gray, and the toggle becomes blue:
Status | Explanation |
Full Credit | Transfer rules will be weighted according to the Full Credit logic described within the ACourse and IFlg Scoring System. Message applied to rules: This course will count for full credit and the credit awarded is applicable to general studies and/or specific requirements within one or more degree programs.
Partial Credit | Transfer rules will be weighted according to the Partial Credit logic described within the ACourse and IFlg Scoring System. Message applied to rules: This course may count for full credit and the credit awarded may be applicable to general studies and/or specific requirements within one or more degree programs.
Does Not Transfer | Transfer rules will be weighted at 0% according to the Does Not Transfer logic described within the ACourse and IFlg Scoring System. Student coursework will fall into "Misses." |
No Designation | Transfer rules will be weighted according to default rule-scoring logic. |
Hidden | Transfer rules will be weighed according to default rule-scoring logic. When selected, ACourses/IFlags cannot be assigned to a Requirement Category and will not appear within the Transferology Lab® Replacement Course alt course or iflg search. |
To assign a status:
- Locate the ACourse/IFlag whose status will be adjusted.
- Search by ACourse/IFlag or category value, or use the View filter to the right.
- Within the View filter, toggle the checkboxes to include or exclude a status option.
- Filter by category, if desired, by selecting a category name from the drop-down (No Category is also an option).
- Within the View filter, toggle the checkboxes to include or exclude a status option.
- Search by ACourse/IFlag or category value, or use the View filter to the right.
- Toggle the button of the status to be assigned.
A message will appear indicating the mapping has been updated. Changes to rule scoring will take place upon the next equivalency upload.
Edit ACourse/IFlag Statuses
To edit an existing status, use the steps above.