Category Mappings: Assign ACourse/IFlag Statuses

This article details how institutions supplying rules from uAchieve® and PeopleSoft® can use Category Mappings to adjust the scoring of transfer rules carrying ACourses (and, in the case of uAchieve, IFlags).

To navigate to Category Mappings:

  1. Go to the Rule Management menu.
  2. Select Category Mappings.
  3. Select ACourses/IFlags.
Screenshot of ACourses slash IFlags tab as seen by institutions that supply equivalencies from uAchieve and PeopleSoft. Within this tab, status values can be adjusted as described below.
Select to see a larger version

When searching for Matches within Transferology®, students are presented with a list of colleges that have previously evaluated at least one of the courses, standardized Exams, or military credits entered. Unless students use a school, state, or state/system referral link or badge to access Transferology, Matches are presented for each school within a ranked list from the highest-to-lowest percentage of coursework accepted. 

In the example below, two institutions appear within the Schools Found list.

When it comes to transfer rules carrying ACourses and IFlags, the rule logic determines their weight; however, the weight can be adjusted within Category Mappings through the assignment and/or adjustment of statuses. 

Assign ACourse/IFlag Statuses

By default, all ACourses and IFlags start out with the status of No Designation. This means that rules carrying ACourses and IFlags are assigned a default weight according to the logic of the individual rules. Before assigning statuses, review the ACourse and IFlg Scoring System to understand the existing rule-scoring logic and how the available statuses would affect ranking in Transferology®.

Once a status is set, the button turns dark gray, and the toggle becomes blue:   

Status buttons - Full Credit, Partial Credit, Does Not Transfer, No Designation, Hidden.

Status Explanation
Full Credit

Transfer rules will be weighted according to the Full Credit logic described within the ACourse and IFlg Scoring System.

Message applied to rules:

This course will count for full credit and the credit awarded is applicable to general studies and/or specific requirements within one or more degree programs.

  • Appears in Transferology® and Transferology Lab® Course Bundles within a solid gray "thumbs up" icon and alert note adjacent to the relevant course.
  • Appears in Transferology® Lab Transfer Equivalencies under Alternates: Full Credit (hover over/select underlined text to see message).
Partial Credit

Transfer rules will be weighted according to the Partial Credit logic described within the ACourse and IFlg Scoring System.

Message applied to rules:

This course may count for full credit and the credit awarded may be applicable to general studies and/or specific requirements within one or more degree programs.

  • Appears in Transferology® and Transferology Lab® Course Bundles within a gray-outlined "thumbs up" icon and alert note adjacent to the relevant course.
  • Appears in Transferology® Lab Transfer Equivalencies under Alternates: Partial Credit (hover over/select underlined text to see message).
Does Not Transfer

Transfer rules will be weighted at 0% according to the Does Not Transfer logic described within the ACourse and IFlg Scoring System.

Student coursework will fall into "Misses."

No Designation Transfer rules will be weighted according to default rule-scoring logic.

Transfer rules will be weighed according to default rule-scoring logic.

When selected, ACourses/IFlags cannot be assigned to a Requirement Category and will not appear within the Transferology Lab® Replacement Course alt course or iflg search.

To assign a status:

  1. Locate the ACourse/IFlag whose status will be adjusted.
    • Search by ACourse/IFlag or category value, or use the View filter to the right. 
      • Within the View filter, toggle the checkboxes to include or exclude a status option. 
        • Filter by category, if desired, by selecting a category name from the drop-down (No Category is also an option).
  2. Toggle the button of the status to be assigned.

Full credit button

A message will appear indicating the mapping has been updated. Changes to rule scoring will take place upon the next equivalency upload.

Edit ACourse/IFlag Statuses

To edit an existing status, use the steps above.

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