Category Mappings: Edit or Delete Requirement Categories

This article details how to edit or delete both Requirement Categories and the courses assigned to them within the Category Mappings page in Transferology® Lab.

To navigate to Category Mappings:

  1. Go to the Rule Management menu.
  2. Select Category Mappings.
    • Requirement Categories will be selected by default.

Requirement Categories provides a table listing all the created categories and cross-listed ACourses, IFlags, AltCourses, and Course Tags. See Category Mappings for an overview of these terminologies. 

Institutions supplying transfer rules from uAchieve® and PeopleSoft® will note ACourses/IFlags used in the table below and as the title of the second tab. Those supplying rules from TES® or an import file will note the terminology AltCourse used in these places.

Transferology® treats Course Tags attached to the home course within an equivalency in TES® as Alternate Courses (or AltCourses). As a result, Course Tags will appear within the AltCourse list and will not be referred to by name within the interface. When manually adding a Course Tag to a Requirement Category, for example, the user will be prompted to select the AltCourse to add to the category.

To search existing categories, use the Filter options:

  • Enter the Category name, ACourse, IFlag, or AltCourse (or Course Tag) into the search filter. 
    • Toggle All to include all enabled and disabled categories in search results (selected by default)
    • Toggle Enabled to include only includes only enabled categories (those approved for display in Transferology®)
    • Toggle Disabled to include only disabled categories (those not or not yet approved for display in Transferology®)

Edit Category Names

To edit a category name:

  1. Select the Edit button (pencil icon) to the right of the Requirement Category name.

Callout illustrates the location of the Edit button.

  1. Within the Edit Category pop-up, under Category Name, use the keyboard to make adjustments to the title.
  2. Select Save.
    • Or, select Cancel to no longer make changes.

Remove Assigned ACourses, IFlags, AltCourses, or Course Tags

To remove courses, IFlags, or Course Tags from a category:

  1. Select the Edit button furthest to the right of the screen.
    • uAchieve® and PeopleSoft® institutions: this will appear to the right of ACourse/IFlag in this Category.
    • TES® or flat file import: this will appear to the right of AltCourse in this Category.

Callout illustrates the location of the Edit button.

  1. The Edit Category Courses pop-up will appear. 
    • Select the x within the ACourse(s), IFlag(s), AltCourse(s), or Course Tag(s) to be removed from the Category.

Callout illustrates the location of the x button.

  1. Select Done.
    • Or select the Close (X) button.

Add ACourses, IFlags, AltCourses, or Course Tags to a Category

See Category Mappings: Create And Assign Courses to Requirement Categories for further details.

Enable/Disable Categories

To enable all categories at once, select Enable All Categories

Enable All Categories button.

To enable an individual Category, place a checkmark in the checkbox associated with the category:

Image illustrates the location of the Enabled field checkbox.
Select to see a larger version

To disable the Category, select the checkbox again.

Delete Requirement Categories

Careful consideration should be given before deleting Requirement Categories from Transferology® Lab. Once deleted, students will no longer be able to locate courses that fulfill these categories using Find a Replacement Course.

To delete a Requirement Category:

  1. Select the Delete button (trash can) associated with the Category to be deleted. 

Callout illustrates the location of the delete button.

  1. A pop-up will ask for confirmation that the Requirement Category should be deleted. Courses will no longer be associated with a requirement category. 
    • Select Yes to delete the Category.
      • Or select No to return to the Requirement Categories tab without deleting the Category.
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