Display Military Courses and Occupations Using Crosswalk Mappings

This article provides an overview of the Crosswalk Mappings feature in the Transferology® Lab as it pertains to military courses and occupations. Colleges can use this feature to display military evaluations in instances where transfer rule source or send Course formatting differs from what is used in Transferology®.

Articles in this series: 

Transferology Source/Send Course Formatting

CollegeSource recommends that Transferology® subscribers utilize the source or send Course formatting used in Transferology when supplying transfer rules. Using the Transferology formatting ensures that students and fellow Transferology Lab users can find Matches to Courses, Standardized Exams, and Military Credits at the subscribing college. 

See Military Encoding for an overview of the methods institutions can use to create military articulations for display in Transferology. 

Formatting decisions should always be made in a way that ensures correct transcript processing at the college and not solely for Transferology. It is recognized that there may be instances where Transferology formatting cannot be used and that schools must use their judgment in determining what formatting conventions to apply. If the Transferology source or send Course code convention cannot be utilized, institutions that supply transfer rules through uAchieve® or PeopleSoft® can use Crosswalk Mappings to ensure Matches can be found.

Crosswalk Mappings

To view/add/edit/delete military course and occupation Crosswalk Mappings:

  1. Go to Rule Management.
  2. Select Crosswalk Mappings.
  3. Select the Military tab.

The Military tab contains the following filters:

Column Description
Military Type(s) A listing of all military organizations for which institution rules exist. If the college has no rules for a Military Type, it will not appear in the drop-down.

Select from the following:

Air Force
Army Enlisted
Coast Guard
Coast Guard Aviator
Coast Guard Enlisted
Coast Guard Warrant
Department of Defense
Marine Corps
Marine Corps Enlisted
Marine Corps Officer
Navy Enlisted
Navy Enlisted Certification
Navy Enlisted Classification
Navy Limited Duty Officer
Navy Warrant
Date range Applies to All Year Terms
Select the following from the drop-down menu:

Needs Mapping:
The courses displayed need to be mapped to Transferology equivalent source or send Courses for students to find Matches. Creating a mapping will move a course within this area to Manually Entered Mappings.

Manually Entered Mappings:
The courses displayed have been mapped by the college to Transferology equivalent source or send Courses. Mappings within this page can be edited or deleted.

Has Existing Mappings:
The courses displayed use the Transferology source or send Course formatting. Editing a mapping will move it to Manually Entered Mappings.
Search Enter a course number/title to locate a course.

The courses and occupations that meet the selected criteria will display under Courses from (College Name). In the below example, the Army Enlisted course 68W appears when the Needs Mapping filter is selected. No Transferology equivalent is noted.

Available Actions icons indicate steps that can be taken within the page. Those which are dark gray (the + icon, below) can be selected; those that are light gray or appear grayed out (the pencil and the trash can, below) cannot: 

Type Description

Select to add a mapping

Select to edit a mapping 

Select to delete a mapping

Anytime a mapping is added, edited, or removed, the change will take effect the next time equivalencies are loaded.

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