Add Military Course and Occupation Crosswalk Mappings
This article provides an overview of how to create military course and occupation Crosswalk Mappings in the Transferology® Lab. Colleges can use this feature to display military evaluations in instances where transfer rule source or send Course formatting differs from what is used in Transferology®.
Articles in this series:
- Display Military Courses and Occupations Using Crosswalk Mappings
- Add Military Course and Occupation Crosswalk Mappings
- Edit or Delete Military Course and Occupation Crosswalk Mappings
To add a Military Crosswalk Mapping:
- Go to Rule Management.
- Select Crosswalk Mappings.
- Select the Military tab.
- Within the Military Type(s) drop-down menu, select a military organization type.
- Within the Filter drop-down menu, select Needs Mapping.
- Under Courses from (Institution Name), find the course to be mapped.
- Search by course number/title if desired.
To the right of the course code, under Available Actions, select the +.
- The Mapping Selection pop-up will appear. The pop-up lists contains all the military courses and occupations available in Transferology for the organization Type selected. Find the equivalent Transferology source or send Course within this list.
In this example, the Course list is extensive, so the Search filter was utilized.
Select Apply.
A pop-up notification will indicate that the course or occupation has been mapped:
The mapping will now display under Manually Entered Mappings. Students can find Matches to the mapped course or occupation upon the next equivalency upload.