How to View Program Information
This article overviews how to view Program information within a School Profile in Transferology® Lab.
In this article:
Students exploring college transfer options within Transferology® can view Program information supplied by colleges they are interested in attending. If the institution provides uAchieve® degree audits, students can also see how courses, standardized exams, and military credits may apply to Programs. Staff members can view this same information within the Transferology® Lab. Within Recruit Students, Recruiters at institutions supplying uAchieve audits can see how courses reported by students who request information from the school would apply to a Program. Within Advise Students, if the students requested Advising or Program information, Advisors can see the same. Participating colleges are not required to provide Program information to Transferology®. As a result, the type of information available for each school may vary.
There are multiple ways to view Program information within Transferology Lab. Since this article is focused on viewing Program information from within a School Profile, it presumes that the reader has been guided to that area within the Lab.
To start:
- Navigate to the institution's School Profile.
- If looking to see how courses reported by a student who requested information from a school would apply to a Program, go to the School Profile using the instructions within Recruit and Advise Students: Student Profile.
- If looking to see how courses within a Course Bundle would apply to a Program, go to the School Profile using the instructions within Course Bundles: View Transfer Bundle Matches.
- Locate the View Program Information button on the School Profile.
- If the button is green, this means that the institution provides Program information to Transferology.
- If the button is grayed-out, this means the institution does not supply Transferology with Program information and thus it cannot be viewed within the application. Contact the school directly with questions regarding Programs.
- If the button is green, this means that the institution provides Program information to Transferology.
- Select the green View Program Information button.
- Select the hyperlinked name of the Program.
- Use the Search filter if needed ("Enter Program Name").
- Use the Search filter if needed ("Enter Program Name").
- A page with the Program's description will appear.
- School-supplied Information Links to Program Information and Transfer Information will also display, if available.
- School-supplied Information Links to Program Information and Transfer Information will also display, if available.
Program Information Link
Colleges can supply Program Information Links for each of the school's programs within Transferology®. Select the hyperlinked Program Information link to be taken to the URL provided.
See How Courses Might Count Toward a Program
If the institution has supplied uAchieve® degree audits to Transferology®, the See how your courses might count toward this program button will be green:
If the school does not provide degree audit functionality, the button will be grayed-out:
To run a degree audit:
1. Select the green See how your courses might count toward this program button.
2. A series of pop-up dialog boxes will appear. Answer the questions, using the Next button to proceed to the following question. Some questions (not included below) may be state-specific, created by the institution.
Question | Options/Instructions |
What courses should be included when running this program? |
Include courses from a bundle Toggle the option and then Choose the bundle from the drop-down menu; the list is populated with all of the user's Course Bundles (including those shared with the user). If no bundles are available, the drop-down will not appear. Include a student's coursework Toggle the option and then Choose the student from the drop-down menu; the list is populated from student Information Requests within Recruit Students and Advise Students. If no student coursework is available, the drop-down will not appear. To select student coursework, one must have the Recruiter or Advisor role. Do not include any coursework Option selected by default; no coursework from a bundle nor student coursework will be applied to the audit. |
Do you want to view how courses from another school might apply to this program? | This question will only display for schools running uAchieve 4.2.x or higher. Institutions must also have enabled the Allow Reference Audits checkbox within the Audit Setup page within the Lab. Schools meeting the above requirements are provided the option to run a reference articulation audit. This audit shows current equivalencies to courses at the home/Target school in {green}, in addition to applying the bundle or student coursework selected above. No Option selected by default. Reference articulation will not be provided. Yes Selecting Yes will initiate a reference articulation audit.
A final pop-up box will appear:
- If the user is a School Administrators, the user will have the option to enable a checkbox to the left of Create debug information from this audit?
- It is beneficial to select this in case any audit troubleshooting needs to be done.
- Enable the checkbox to the left of the following statement:
- I understand courses are submitted assuming a passing grade (C or better) which may or may not contribute to the receiving institution's gpa calculations. The exact definition of a passing grade will vary from school to school so check with the school for more information about their grade acceptance policies.
- Select Run Audit.
- Or, select Cancel to return to the Program description page.
3. A pop-up notification indicates that the institution requested the program audit and instructs the user to select the notification to view the audit when it is ready.
An email confirming the audit request is also sent from Transferology to the person making the request.
After running an audit, selecting the green hyperlinked Success message will take the user to the Programs page within Transferology® Lab. If the user was unable to select the notification before it went away, the audit could still be viewed by following the below steps:
- Go to Advising & Recruiting.
- Select Programs.
- Select My Program Requests.
The following information will be displayed on the My Program Requests tab:
Column | Explanation |
Select to remove (checkbox) | Enable checkbox(es) to delete one or many audit requests Once enabled, the Remove button will appear above the checkbox column. Select Remove to delete all checked audits: ![]() Select No to return to My Program Requests without deleting the audits |
Time |
Date/time stamp of the Program request Format: MM/DD/YY HH:MM AM/PM |
Program | Selectable hyperlink to audit |
School | School the audit was run at |
Student | Student email address (and name) |
Bundle | Associated bundle (if applicable) |
Viewing Other Courses From | Name of institution other coursework applied from |
Status | Status of audit A "spinning wheel" means that the audit is still in progress: ![]() A green checkmark means the audit has successfully completed: ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Select the Mail button to send the program request to a recipient via email | |
To view the audit:
- Locate the name of the Program audit.
- Use the Search filter to filter by Program, School, or Student.
- Verify the Status is a green checkmark. This means the audit has successfully completed running.
- Select the Program name hyperlink.
The audit will appear:
From here:
- Read through the audit.
- Use the Open All Sections and Close All Sections to control the amount of information on the page.
- Select Return to the top to navigate back to the beginning of the audit.
- Select Return to Programs to navigate back to My Program Requests.
- Select Email Program to send the program request to a recipient via email.
- The user will be prompted to fill in the following fields: To (required), CC, and Additional Message.
- The email subject will be auto-populated: Planning Guide for (student email) - Submitted to (College name) for degree (Program name).
- The email subject will be auto-populated: Planning Guide for (student email) - Submitted to (College name) for degree (Program name).
- The user will be prompted to fill in the following fields: To (required), CC, and Additional Message.
- Select Print to print the audit or save it as a PDF.
- Select the Show Sidebar icon to display the School Profile on the audit.