uAchieve Settings for Transferology Schools

This article provides information regarding the COM table setup required to support the display of equivalencies and degree audits from uAchieve® in Transferology®. Additional optional settings and configurations are also provided to accommodate transfer articulation encoding and the display of rules, requirements, and sub-requirements on audits.

COM Table Set Up

A COM table will need to be added in uAchieve® to support Transferology®.


The COM name must match the CAS uniq field value assigned to the institution in Transferology®.

To verify this value within the Lab:

  1. Go to the School Profile menu.
  2. Select School Management.
  3. Select the General Information tab of the School Profile.
  4. Scroll down to Identifiers.
    • The CAS uniq field value will be listed in this section.

If the CAS uniq ID is longer than five characters (example: TRANSFERCC), the first five characters should be used for the COM table name (example: TRANS).

Transferology Degree Audit Request

The COMREC in the D-ONL sysin of Transferology's degree audit request is either the first five characters of the UNIQ or the COM Override on the chosen program.

COM Fields specifically defined for Transferology® should be set in this COM table.

Fields To Set in the Transferology COM

Field Description
INSTIDQ, INSTID, INSTCD These fields identify the Transferology-subscribing institution for retrieval of uAchieve encoding and transfer rules.
DEPTBGN, DEPTLNG, CRSBGN, CRSEND, CRSLNG These fields identify the format of the institution's courses.

These fields are used as the default institution identity for source schools not specifically encoded in uAchieve Transfer Articulation (TA) tables.

The values entered determine the default Transfer Articulation tables to use when the Source ID associated with an incoming course does not match any of the institution's "regular" transfer tables.

For example, if the Source ID on the default table is set to "SOURCE," enter "SOURCE" as the COM.SINSTID.


The "Top" file displayed at the top of an audit.

This is usually an HTML link to a disclaimer for students reviewing degree audits in Transferology.

The TOPLNECT file will need to be set by a programmer.

When set to -0000, the Top file will not be included; when set to -0001, the Top file will be included.


The "Bot" file contains extra text displayed at the bottom of an audit.

This is usually a link to a Legend to assist students reviewing degree audits in Transferology.

The BOTLNECT file will need to be set by a programmer.

When set to -0000, the Bot file will not be included. When set to -0001, the Bot file will be included.

EVALRUN This field must be set to A so that articulations occur in degree audits sent to uAchieve from Transferology.

This field must be set to run a degree audit with equivalencies.

Set to R or S.

  • R: Shows all of the courses in the "Select From" and with those that have articulated courses from the transfer school. If there are no equivalencies, the message "No Equivalencies available" will display.
  • S: Shows just the "Select From" courses with equivalent courses at the transfer school.
NODEGDATE Set to Y to suppress the "Graduation Date: UNKNOWN" output at the top of Transferology programs.

Optional fields

These can replace the value reported by COM.STUID and COM.NAME used to display the student ID and student name on the audit.

The reporting of these fields is dependent on the value specified in COM.SECURE. The uAchieve Help Topics can be reviewed to understand the reporting.


Optional fields

These fields can be used to replace the value at the top of the audit reading "PREPARED: time and date."

Transfer Articulation Considerations

Valid Codes

CollegeSource recommends that uAchieve® institutions use IPEDs, ATP, ACT, or FICE codes to identify schools via the Source ID field of Institutional Reference (IREF) and Transfer Articulation (TA) tables. 

IPEDs is the recommended code for use with Transferology® since it is the most widely used and is still actively updated by the Department of Education.

If valid codes are not used in the Source ID fields, institutions will need to map the codes used via the Manage Source Schools page in the Transferology® Lab.

Date-Ranged Tables

Starting with Transferology® Connector 4.4.1, each college's Institutional Reference (IREF) and Transfer Articulation (TA) table FYT and Lyt term codes no longer needed to be in alignment, like below:

Institutional Reference table; callout highlights the FYT and Lyt

Transfer Articulation table; callout highlights the FYT and Lyt

Instead, institutions on Connector version 4.4.1 or higher can create differently-dated IREF and TA tables for the same institution and still display rules in Transferology.

Example: An institution may choose to create one IREF table for CollegeSource Community College with an FYT of 199804 and a Lyt of 9999 99 and two separate TA Tables:

  • One with an FYT of 199804 and a Lyt of 202103; and
  • The second with an FYT of 202104 and a Lyt of 9999 99.

CollegeSource recommends using six-digit term codes in the IREF and TA Table FYT and Lyt fields in uAchieve to capture the broadest scope of dates possible.

Super Default Tables

Institutions can set up a Super Default IREF and TA table to process transfer courses from an institution that does not have its own IREF and TA table(s) established in uAchieve®. The institution will need to set up the COM.SINSTID and COM.SINSTCD fields in uAchieve to accommodate these tables. Transferology does not currently recognize Super Default tables and will not display information from these tables within the applications. However, these tables should still be hidden by default.

Example of Institutional Reference Table for Default Institution

Institutional Reference Table; the Status of H - Hide all Articulations From Institution is highlighted via a callout

Example of Transfer Articulation Rule Set for Default Institution

Transfer Articulation Rule for Default Institution

See Default Tables for further information. (A CollegeSource Support Center account is required to view this information.)


Since students cannot set the grade received when entering a course within Transferology®, grades are assigned automatically based on the type of "course" entered:

    • Exam scores
    • Military grades
    • Courses
      • School Admins can set the default course grade for use on degree audits.
        • If the Default Grade field is blank on the Audit Setup page, Transferology will use the current default grade of "C."

Transfer Rules

Each Transfer Articulation (TA) table should contain a rule to accept courses that do not have an established equivalency.

Some institutions display these courses on the audit, while others do not. Identifying these courses on the audit can help students and advisors identify courses that need to be reviewed for transfer. However, this rule should be hidden so that articulations will not be displayed in Transferology. This can be accomplished by setting the Status field on the rule level to H.

Callout illustrates the location of the Hide status

Hiding Information

To hide an institution and its equivalencies from display in Transferology®, set the Status field on the Institutional Reference (IREF) table to H-Hide all Articulations from Institution.

Image includes Status field; H - Hide all articulations from Institution has been selected

Institutions may wish to hide specific equivalency rules from display in Transferology®, but not all rules. This can be accomplished by setting the Status field on the rule level to H.

Callout illustrates Status field location at the rule level

If the institution wishes to hide processing rules within a Target course field, the Status field to the right of the Target course can be set to H.

Callout illustrates location of Status field

Tip: Hide any rules that may be confusing to students, such as processing rules or rules that the institution does not want to advertise to students.

Rule Display in Transferology

Institutions should be aware that the below fields from the Transfer Articulation rule may be displayed in Transferology®.

DP Mask

CollegeSource is working to fix an issue causing DPMasks to not display within the Transfer Equivalencies page in the Lab. Users can create Glossary Messages for DPMasks, but the messages will not appear until a fix is implemented.

Alternate IDs

Alternate IDs are not currently displayed to students in Transferology®. However, Alternate IDs will display as Alternate: Alternate ID value within Transfer Equivalencies within the Lab.

Callout illustrates RWS 100 as a Alternate ID

Callout notes the course within the Alternate Course field in uAchieve.
Select to see a larger version

If the ACourse has been given a status within the ACourses/IFlags tab of Category Mappings, the status will appear before the alternate.

If the institution does not want the Alternate ID displayed to students, the Hide flag can be set in uAchieve®.

The institution can create a Glossary Message in Transferology or use the Public Memo field in uAchieve to help explain the transfer rule to students and staff.


Pseudo courses are not currently displayed to students in Transferology®. However, where present in encoding, they will fulfill requirements on the degree audit and can be used to find Replacement Courses for Requirement Categories.

Additionally, when searching for matches, students can see Glossary Messages for pseudo courses attached to a Target if the information icon or Expand all notes is selected.

Notes about the transfer rule for ECON1100 from Lake Superior College display.
Select to see a larger version

Pseudo courses will display as Alternate: Alternate ID value within Transfer Equivalencies within the Lab. If the institution does not want the pseudo displayed to students, the Hide flag can be set in uAchieve®.

Callouts highlight the alternate ID values used in uAchieve.
Select to see a larger version

If the ACourse has been given a status within the ACourses/IFlags tab of Category Mappings, the status will appear before the alternate.


IFlags associated with rules will be displayed within the Lab's Transfer Equivalencies page as Satisfies: IFLAG value within the target course. If the institution does not want the IFlag to display, set the Hide all IFlags field in uAchieve®. The institution can create a Glossary Message in Transferology or use the Public Memo field in uAchieve to help explain the transfer rule to students and staff.

Callout illustrates location of IFlag field

Callouts highlight the value from the iflag field in uAchieve.
Select to see a larger version

IFlags do not appear to students within Transferology®.


The Public Memo field within a Transfer Articulation (TA) rule will be displayed to users in both Transferology® and Transferology® Lab.

Public memo field in uAchieve

When searching for Matches, if students select the information icon or select Expand all notes, the contents of the Public Memo will appear.

Note reads course earns 4 semester hours upon transfer. Students whose program requirements have a credit requirement may need to make up the missing credit with an additional course..
Select to see a larger version

Within the Lab, within Transfer Equivalencies, it will appear within the Note field under the transfer course.

Note reads course earns 4 semester hours upon transfer. Students whose program requirements have a credit requirement may need to make up the missing credit with an additional course..
Select to see a larger version

If information within a Public Memo field should not be seen by students or staff, that information should be removed and transferred to the Private Memo field in uAchieve.

Lim Ct and Lim Hrs

The Lim Ct and Lim Hrs fields within a Transfer Articulation (TA) rule will be displayed to users in both Transferology® and Transferology® Lab.

Lim Ct and Lim Hrs fields

When searching for matches, if students select the information icon or select Expand all notes, the contents of the fields will appear.

Note reads Score of 50
Select to see a larger version

Within the Lab, LimHrs and LimCt will display under the appropriate course with the text "For a total of x hours" and "Take x courses," respectively.

Example reads for a total of 50 hours

uAchieve Data in Different CDs

Institutions that store uAchieve® data in multiple CDs will need to do the following setup to display equivalencies and degree audits in Transferology®.

In uAchieve

  1. Set up a COM table to use for Transferology®.
    • The Transferology COM table will have the same value as the CAS uniqID field value used in Transferology.
  2.  For each InstCD, clone the Transferology COM to create a new Transferology COM.
    • Name the cloned COM something logical to the institution.
  3. Within the cloned COM, set the following:
      • USETADEF = Y
        • This value must be set to use Reference Only tables.
      • USETARGET = B
        • Determines when to use the COM.TINSTID/TINSTCD values.
        • TINSTID: When USETARGET = B, this is the InstID of the TA tables to be used for articulation.
        • TINSTCD: When USETARGET = B, this is the InstCD of the TA tables to be used for articulation.
      • USEMREF = Y
        • Determines when to use the COM.MINSTID/MINSTCD values.
        • MINSTID: When USEMREF = Y, this is the InstID of the IREF tables to be used for articulation.
        • MINSTCD: When USEMREF = Y, this is the InstCD of the IREF tables to be used for articulation.

In Transferology Lab

  1. Go to the Program Setup menu.
  2. Select Manage Programs.
  3. For each program:
    1. Under Actions, select Edit Program.
    2. Within the Program pop-up, set the COM Override field value to the Transferology COM value where the program resides.
    3. Select Save.
  4. Go back to the Program Setup menu.
  5. Select Audit Setup.
  6. Set the following fields, respectively, to match the IDQ, ID, and CD used when logging into uAchieve® to access campus data:
    • Audit InstIDQ
    • AuditInstID
    • Audit CD

Degree Audit Considerations

Conditional Requirements

Requirements and sub-requirements (such as text requirements) may be hidden or displayed on Transferology audits through system condition codes.

To do this:

  1. Open the Transferology COM table in the uAchieve® Support Tables.
  2. Insert a line for CASSYSC and set it equal to a value.
    • In the example below, "C" is used as a value.

3. Save the changes.

Callout highlights the CASSYSC COM

To display or hide a requirement:

  1. Open the requirement.
  2. On the Common tab:
    • Set the Condition Requirement Accept System CC field to the value inputted into the CASSYSC COM field to turn the requirement on if the audit request comes from Transferology®.
    • Set the Condition Requirement Reject System CC field to the value inputted into the CASSYSC COM field to turn the requirement off if the audit request comes from Transferology®.

To display or hide a sub-requirement:

  1. Open the sub-requirement.
  2. On the Common tab:
  3. Select the General tab.
    • Set the Conditional Sub-Req Accept System CC field to the value inputted into the CASSYSC COM field to turn the requirement on if the audit request comes from Transferology.
    • Set the Conditional Sub-Req Reject System CC field to the value inputted into the CASSYSC COM field to turn the requirement off if the audit request comes from Transferology.

In the example below, the first sub-requirement of MHRQ2PSY is being turned off using the Reject System CC field.

Callout illustrates the location of the Conditional Sub Req fields.

Using system condition codes, requirements and sub-requirements may also be hidden or displayed on Transferology audits when a Reference Articulation audit is requested through Transferology.

To do this:

  1. Open the Transferology COM table in the uAchieve® Support Tables.
  2. Insert a line for BSYSCOND and set it equal to a value.
    • In the example below, "P" is used as a value.
  1. Save the changes.

Callout highlights the BSYSCOND COM

To display or hide a requirement:

  1. Open the requirement.
  2. On the Common tab:
    • Set the Condition Requirement Accept System CC field to the value inputted into the BSYSCOND COM field to turn the requirement on if a Reference Articulation audit is run in Transferology®.
    • Set the Condition Requirement Reject System CC field to the value inputted into the BSYSCOND COM field to turn the requirement off if a Reference Articulation audit is run in Transferology®.

To display or hide a sub-requirement:

  1. Open the sub-requirement.
  2. On the General tab:
    • Set the Conditional Sub-Req Accept System CC field to the value inputted into the BSYSCOND COM field to turn the sub-requirement on if a Reference Articulation audit is run in Transferology®.
    • Set the Conditional Sub-Req Reject System CC field to the value inputted into the BSYSCOND COM field to turn the sub-requirement off if a Reference Articulation audit is run in Transferology®.

Hide Equivalent Courses from Sub-requirements

The Exclude from Reference Articulation (REVARTL) field located within the General tab of a sub-requirement can be used to hide equivalencies from display within a Reference Articulation audit. Checking the box corresponding to this field will not hide the entire sub-requirement from display on the audit; it will only prevent the reporting of the Source courses that articulate to courses in the Select From list within the sub-requirement.

Callout illustrates the location of the Exclude from Reference Articulation field.

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