How Do I Request a Transferology Lab Account?

This article provides instructions for requesting a Transferology® Lab account.


Individuals must be employees of a college or university subscribing to Transferology® to have a Lab account. Students, parents, and others looking to use Transferology to explore transfer options can create a Transferology account here.

Request an Account

Individuals with the School Administrator role in the Transferology Lab create Lab accounts for institution members. College and university employees interested in obtaining an account may reach out to these individuals directly (if known) or submit a request through Transferology Lab by following the steps below:

  1. Go to Transferology Lab.
  2. Select Log in.
  3. Under the Log in button, select Request Lab account.
Transferology log in page. The Request Lab account button is highlighted.
Select to see a larger version
  1. Fill in the information below.
    • Required fields have an asterisk.
Request Lab Account form as described below.
Select to see a larger version
Field Description

Name (include first and last).

Email Email address.

Phone number.

10-character limit; numbers only.

Copy me Select to send a copy of the request to the email supplied.

The college or university employed at.

  1. Type the name of the institution into the search bar.
    • School names populate as characters are entered.
  2. Select the name of the college or university.

To remove the chosen school, select Change School.

Job Title

Job title.

  1. Select I'm not a robot within the reCAPTCHA box.
  2. Select Send request.

A confirmation will appear on the screen.

Next Steps

Transferology will send the Lab Account Request Email the supplied information.

School Administrators

Within the email, select Click here to log into Transferology Lab and create this user to go to the New User's Profile screen, where the requestor's data will auto-populate. See Create Transferology Lab User Accounts & Assign Roles (Create a User, Step 3) for further information.

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