Add and Remove Contact Emails

This article provides instructions for how to add and remove contact emails within the Transferology® Lab. Identifying contact emails is an important part of getting started with Transferology, as it ensures that communications to the institution are sent to the appropriate parties.

During the onboarding process, CollegeSource will setup the initial Primary Contact Email, Lab Account Request Email, Quarterly Statistics Report Email, and Information Request Email for the college or university.

Contact Emails

Contact Emails are setup on the Contact Emails tab of the School Profile. To navigate to this area:

  1. Go to the School Profile menu.
  2. Select School Management.
  3. Select Contact Emails.

Contact Emails tab as described below

Contact Email Name Description

Primary Contact Email

The individual(s) that CollegeSource will contact regarding Transferology related issues/questions for the school.

CollegeSource will add the School Admin's email as the Primary Contact Email during implementation.

At least one active School Admin email is required as the Primary Contact.

Planning Guide Contact Email

The individual(s) that students should contact with questions about Programs at the school.

For institutions supplying degree audits, when a student emails a Program to the institution, this email will auto-populate in the To field.

Information Request Email

The individual(s) that should receive an email when a student requests information from Transferology.

Students requesting more information are routed to the appropriate contact by the following priority list:

  1. First, whoever is named in the Information Request Email field is contacted. If no contact is named in the Information Request Email field, then:
  2. Whoever is named in the Primary Contact Email field is contacted.

CollegeSource will add the Recruiter's email as the Information Request Email during implementation.

Quarterly Statistic Report Email

The individual(s) that should receive emails containing the quarterly Statistics Reports for the institution.

CollegeSource will add the Recruiter's School Admin's email as the Quarterly Statistics Report Email during implementation.

Lab Account Request Email

The individual(s) that should receive requests from staff for a Transferology Lab account at the school.

If no Lab Account Request email is specified, then the email will be sent to any staff member assigned to the role of School Admin.

CollegeSource will add the School Admin's email as the Lab Account Request Email during implementation.

Add a Contact Email

School Admins: Review the contact email descriptions above. At least one email should be listed for any contact field that corresponds to functionality the institution is or will be using. Multiple contact emails - and department emails - can be added to a contact type.

To add a contact email:

  1. Go to the School Profile menu.
  2. Select School Management.
  3. Select the Contact Emails tab.
  4. Locate the contact type to which an email will be assigned.
    • Input the email address into the text box.
  5. Select +Add.
An email address is being added to the Information Request Email field.
Select to see a larger version

Remove a Contact Email

To remove a contact email:

  1. Go to the School Profile menu.
  2. Select School Management.
  3. Select the Contact Emails tab.
  4. Locate the contact type from which an email will be removed.
  5. Select the x to the right of the email.
    • The email will be removed from the list.

Callout depicts location of the x to the right of an email address.

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