Check Transfer Rules: Review Courses without Active Rules

Transferology® provides students with catalogs to select the courses, standardized exams, and military credits they have taken or plan to take. These catalogs originate from TES® and are also the data source used in Transferology® Lab Course Bundles and Replacement Courses.

When searching for matches, Transferology looks through each institution's source of equivalencies and attempts to locate rules for each transfer course. Check Transfer Rules allows institutions to see which courses within a transfer institution's catalog will return Match results if taken in the current term. Where active rules do not exist, the Transfer Specialist can:

  1. Review unevaluated courses to increase Match percentages.
  2. Review the alignment of department names used in transfer rules with those in the source school's TES catalogs. If the transfer courses have different formatting than within the TES catalog, Transferology will be unable to find equivalencies and won't produce matches.

To begin:

  1. Go to the Rule Management menu.
  2. Select Check Transfer Rules.
The Check Transfer Rules page, as described below.
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Find Courses without Active Rules

Check Transfer Rules provides a list of all schools to which the college or university has course equivalencies.


Transfer Specialists can use filters to limit results by distance or state to focus energy on reviewing courses from in-state schools or states where the institution frequently sees transfer students.

    • When filtering by distance, options include less than 25 miles, less than 50 miles, less than 100 miles, less than 250 miles, and less than 500 miles from the user's institution zip code.
    • To change the institution's zip code:
        1. Select the zip code hyperlink.
        2. Enter the new zip code into the Edit Zip Code box or use the location button.
        3. Select the checkmark to update.
    • The state drop-down menu contains the state each source school resides in and includes military parameters, US territories, international options, and Standardized Exams.

View the Percentage of Courses with Active Rules in an Institution Catalog

Check Transfer Rules provides the Transfer Specialist with a percentage of the number of courses within each transfer school's most recent catalog edition that would return Match results if taken in the current term. Transfer Specialists can request a query of a school's percentage value five times per day. Data load times will vary by school.

To begin:

  1. Determine the institution to request the percentage value for.
  2. To the left of the School Name, select the Request button.
Callout highlights the location of the Request button.
Select to see a larger version
Callout highlights the percentage value.
Select to see a larger version

In the example above, 15.22% of the courses within Lake Superior College's 2023-2024 catalog data set have active rules.

    • This statistic means that 15.22% of the courses in that catalog would appear in Match results at the Transfer Specialist's institution when a student selects the course that term.
    • If 203 courses were in the institution's catalog, a percentage of 15.22% means that thirty-one courses have active equivalencies. One hundred eighty-two courses within the edition would not have active equivalencies.

View the Percentage of Active Rules by Department

If a school is a top partner institution—or one that the institution wants to attract more transfer students from—the Transfer Specialist will want to see what percentage of courses within each Department have active equivalencies so the user can determine which courses need to be evaluated.

To do so:

  1. Select the hyperlinked School Name.
Callout highlights the hyperlinked institution name.
Select to see a larger version
  1. A listing of all the Departments within the noted catalog edition will appear, sorted by the lowest-to-highest percentage of courses with active rules.
    • To sort by highest-to-lowest percentage, select Courses with Active Rules.

Institutions can prioritize which Departments to review courses from based on percentage value or factors like popular majors, Popular Courses, recruitment initiatives, etc.

Catalog Departments table.
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Within this page, users have the option to:

  1. Select a Department (from Course Catalog) hyperlink to view a list of courses within a Department and see which have active rules.
    • If the Transfer Specialist's college or university also subscribes to TES®, the user (assuming they have the TES Evaluator role permission) can send evaluation tasks to the Evaluation Tracker workflow.
  2. Select Catalog Department Matches to review the alignment of department names used in transfer rules with those in the source school's TES catalogs.
    • For further instructions, see Check Transfer Rules: Review Rule Department Alignment and Create or Delete a Source Department Alias.

View the Courses within a Department

To view all courses within a Department:

  1. Select the Department (from Course Catalog) hyperlink.
Callout highlights the Department hyperlink.
Select to see a larger version
  1. A list of all the courses within the selected Department (within the noted catalog edition) will appear.
Catalog Departments Table.
Select to see a larger version

If a course has an active rule (and students would be awarded transfer credit if taken the current term), the field under Active Rule will display Yes. To view the equivalent home course, hover over this field.

When hovering over the

If the course does not have an active rule, this field will say No.

Tip: Select the Active Rule column header to sort all courses without active rules (No) to the top of the list.

Review Courses via TES Mode

Institutions that subscribe to TES® can send courses without active rules to the TES Evaluation Tracker workflow for review.

To do so:

  1. Select TES Mode.
Callout highlights the location of the TES Mode button.
Select to see a larger version
  1. See TES Mode: Create Evaluation Tasks from the Transferology Lab for further instructions.

Refresh the Percentage of Courses with Active Rules

As new equivalencies are loaded into Transferology®, the percentage of Courses with Active Rules within Check Transfer Rules will need to be refreshed to ensure that users are reviewing current information. If a course now has an active rule, for example, the percentage of Courses with Active Rules may increase.

To do so:

  1. Select the percentage value to the left of the School Name.
Callout highlights the percentage value.
Select to see a larger version
  1. Within the pop-up, select Request Again.

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