Glossary Messages: Create Glossary Messages

Glossary Messages are helpful messages and explanations that Transfer Specialists can configure to assist students and advisors with understanding the higher education terminology and coding conventions sometimes used in transfer articulation rules. This article provides instructions for creating Glossary Messages in Transferology® Lab.

This article assumes the user is familiar with the information presented within Glossary Messages: An Overview.

To create a Glossary Message:

  1. Go to the Rule Management menu.
  2. Select Glossary Messages.

All the Glossary Messages for equivalencies at the user's institution will appear on the page by default.

Glossary Message page, as described above and below.
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Transfer Specialists can create Glossary Messages for values within the following aspects of the institution's transfer rules:

  1. Alternate Courses;
  2. DPMasks,
  3. IFlags; and
  4. Target Courses.

Transferology® treats Course Tags attached to the home course within an equivalency in TES® as Alternate Courses. Institutions supplying equivalencies from TES® will create Alternate Course Glossary messages for these values.

All other Glossary Messages for equivalencies supplied from TES must be created under the Target Course message type.

Glossary Messages for DPMasks and IFlags are applicable only to institutions supplying equivalencies from uAchieve®.

Alternate Course

To create a Glossary Message for an Alternate Course (also known as an ACourse) in uAchieve® or a Course Tag used in equivalency supplied from TES®:

  1. Select Create Message.
  2. Enter the following information in the Create Message pop-up.

Create Message pop-up. Three fields display: Message Type, Alternate Course, and Message Type.

Field Instructions
Message Type Alternate Course is selected by default.
Alternate Course

Enter the value within the Alternate Course for which a Glossary Message will be created. The field is case-sensitive.

Example: GLOBAL

Message Text

Enter a message to explain the Alternate Course value to students/staff. Use text only, no markup.

Example: Liberal Education - Global Perspectives

  1. Select Create Message.
    • A confirmation will appear indicating that the Glossary Message has been added.

The Glossary Message will appear within the list. For illustration purposes, a filter has been applied to show the creation of a Glossary Message for Alternate Course GLOBAL, as described above.

Screenshot of Glossary Message created using examples in chart.
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Once created, the Glossary Message will be available for viewing by students and staff within Transferology® and Transferology® Lab, respectively.

Example of Glossary Message appearing in Match Details using the example from the chart.
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If a transfer rule carries multiple ACourses, all of the Glossary Messages will be visible together within Match Details:

Callout illustrates two Glossary Messages for ECON1100.
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Within Transfer Equivalencies, each Glossary Message will be visible when hovering over the alternate.

Callout illustrates Glossary Message for A course SOCSCIECON.
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Select to see a larger version. Example of Glossary Message appearing within Transfer Equivalencies within the Lab for a Course Tag.

Transferology® applies the most specific ACourse message that matches the ACourse on a rule.

  • An ACourse message with an ID of ENGL1 would match the rule ACourse values of ENGL1, ENGL10, and ENGL109.
    • However, it would not match the value of ENGL.
  • If an ACourse message ID of ENGL10 were created, Transferology would use this message instead of the ID of ENGL1.


To create a Glossary Message for a uAchieve® DP Masks (or Degree Program Masks):

  1. Select Create Message.
  2. Select/enter the following information in the Create Message pop-up.

The callout shows that the message type of DPMask has been selected from the drop-down.

Field Instructions
Message Type

Alternate Courses is selected by default.

  • Within the drop-down, select DPMask.

Enter the value within the DPMask for which a Glossary Message will be created. The field is case-sensitive.

Example: BSN

Message Text

Enter a message to explain the DPMask value to staff. Use text only, no markup.

Example: For students within the Nursing BSN only

  1. Select Create Message.
    • A confirmation will appear indicating that the Glossary Message has been added.

The Glossary Message will appear within the list. For illustration purposes, a filter has been applied to show the creation of a Glossary Message for DPMask BSN, as described above.

Screenshot of Glossary Message created using examples in chart.
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  • A DPMask message with an ID of ENGR would match the rule DPMask values of ENG and ENGR.
  • Transferology uses the most specific DPMask message that matches the DPMask on the rule.

CollegeSource is working to fix an issue causing DPMasks to not display within the Transfer Equivalencies page in the Lab. At this time, users can create Glossary Messages for DPMasks, but the messages will not appear until a fix is implemented.


To create a Glossary Message for an IFlag in uAchieve®:

  1. Select Create Message.
  2. Select/enter the following information in the Create Message pop-up.

The callout shows that the message type of IFlag has been selected from the drop-down.

Field Instructions
Message Type

Alternate Courses is selected by default.

  • Within the drop-down, select IFlag.

Enter the value within the IFlag for which a Glossary Message will be created. The field is case-sensitive.

Example: SYL

Message Text

Enter a message to explain the IFlag value to students/staff. Use text only, no markup.

Example: Syllabus required for further evaluation; please submit to Registrar's Office.

  1. Select Create Message.
    • A confirmation will appear indicating that the Glossary Message has been added.

The Glossary Message will appear within the list. For illustration purposes, a filter has been applied to show the creation of a Glossary Message for IFlag SYL, as described above.

Screenshot of Glossary Message created using examples in chart.
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Once created, the Glossary Message will be available for viewing by students and staff within Transferology® and Transferology® Lab, respectively.

Screenshot of Glossary Message appearing in Match Details using the example in chart.
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Within Transfer Equivalencies, the IFlag will appear under the field name Satisfies.

Example of Glossary Message appearing in Transfer Equivalencies using the example from the chart.
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Transferology® attempts to match IFlag message IDs to rules that contain precisely the same value.

  • An IFlag message with an ID of GOAL1 would match the rule IFlag values of Goal 1.
    • However, it would not match the value of GOAL or GOAL11.
  • Transferology uses the most specific IFlag message that matches each IFlag on the rule.

Target Course

To create a Glossary Message for a Target Course:

  1. Select Create Message.
  2. Select/enter the following information in the Create Message pop-up.

The callout shows that the message type of Target Course has been selected from the drop-down.

Field Instructions
Message Type

Alternate Courses is selected by default.

  • Within the drop-down, select Target Course.
Target Course

Enter the value within the Target Course for which a Glossary Message will be created. The field is not case-sensitive.

Example: 1xx

Exactly Target Course match only

Mark the Exact Target Course match only checkbox to restrict the Glossary Message to matching to/appearing on only those rules that contain precisely the value within the Target Course field.

As an example, if the Target Course field is set to ART 1...

  • And Exact Target Course match only is checked, the Glossary Message will show for ART 1, but not ART 10 or ART 100.
  • And Exact Target Course match only is not checked, the Glossary Message will show for ART 1, ART 10, and ART 100.
Message Text

Enter a message to explain the Target Course value to students/staff. Use text only, no markup.

Example: Course transfers as an introductory 1xx-level subject elective

  1. Select Create Message.
    • A confirmation will appear indicating that the Glossary Message has been added.

The Glossary Message will appear within the list. The example below is a Glossary Message created to display for any Target Course that contains 1xx.

Example of Glossary Message appearing in Match Details using the example from the chart.
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Once created, the Glossary Message will be available for viewing by students and staff within Transferology® and Transferology® Lab, respectively.

Screenshot of Glossary Message appearing in Match Details using examples in chart.
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Example of Glossary Message appearing in Transfer Equivalencies using the example from the chart.
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Transferology attempts to match Target Course message IDs to rules that contain the Target Course value. All spaces and asterisks are removed from the Target Course and Target Course message before comparison.

  • A Target Course message with an ID of MATH*** would match any rule with a Target course containing "MATH".

If Exactly Target Course match only is selected, Transferology uses the message ID that precisely contains the Target Course value.

Otherwise, if Exactly Target Course match only is not selected, Transferology uses the most specific Target Course message when matching to a rule.

  • A Target Course message with MATH2 as the ID would match any rule containing "MATH2" instead of MATH*** from the example above.
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