NOTE: Questions is restricted to School Administrators and Program Administrators at schools with audits enabled.
The Program Questions page allows Lab users to add program questions and answers and add/change information presented to a student on a plan. This functionality allows schools to ask Transferology users questions about their intentions or past academic history, which may then be used to add a minor to a program or find out if a student has completed a state transfer module or degree.
Much of the terminology used for the field names is uAchieve-specific. In the Transferology Lab, questions are posed before a user runs an audit. The user's answers are used to determine whether to ask additional questions or to add information to the audit request. Questions are now manageable for those users in the roles of School Administrator and Program Administrator.
Program Questions are managed under the Program Setup, Questions menu:
A table of existing program questions (and hyperlinked answers) is displayed:
The user can manage the answers to each question by clicking on a question's corresponding Answers hyperlink. For example: Click ← Back to Question List.
Question Fields
Questions are arranged by several columns:
Name | Screenshot | Description | Restriction (if applicable) |
Move button | Drag-and-drop on the Move button corresponding to the selected question to change the order in the list; a green bubble confirms that the list order was updated. Note: This will reorder the questions for ALL programs and is not customizable per program. |
Ask Order | The numerical order in which the questions are asked of the user | Not directly editable by user-set by rearranging rows | |
Description | Unique identifier that links programs to a question during import/export, as well as links followup questions to an answer | Required Must be unique within school Max length 128 |
Text | The text displayed to the Transferology user during the audit request process | Required Max length 300 |
Type | Used to determine when a question should be displayed to the user The type of question, which may be one of three types: Initial, Followup, and Program:
The dark number bubble displaying next to some Program types indicates that the number of programs that the selected question is tied to. |
Answers | Hyperlinks to the Answers page to indicate the number of answers provided (in the screenshot below, 8 answers are listed): Like their corresponding questions, answers may also be added, moved, edited, and deleted. Use the ←Back to Questions List button to return to the previous screen of questions. |
Edit button | Edit the selected question, generates the Question Information pop-up window |
Delete button | Delete the selected question (a confirmation pop-up window will ensure against accidental deleting) |
Create Question
Create a new program questions by clicking the + Create Question button. Pop-up window fields will need to be completed:
- Description *
- Short description of the Program Question (default: "Quest_##")
- Text *
- Key in the customized question text in this field
- Type
- Drop-down menu offers options including the following:
- School (default)
- Followup
- Program
- Drop-down menu offers options including the following:
- Program
- Provides a list of linked programs from which to select
- Is inactive (gray) unless the Type field (above) is changed to "Program"
When importing questions and answers, it is good practice to import the question file FIRST and then the program file to ensure that the questions are linked up correctly with their corresponding programs.
Import questions into the existing Program Questions table by clicking the Import button. Pop-up window fields will need to be completed:
- File to import*
- Select a file to import using the Choose File button
- Format
- Transferology (default, this is also the recommended format)
- (legacy)
- Formatting differences for two fields when exporting include:
- Rcredit: Blank values display as 0.00000 in and as blank in Transferology
- Pflag: TRUE or FALSE in, N or Y in Transferology
- Delimiter
- Drop-down menu includes options for the following:
- Comma (default)
- Tab
- Pipe
- Drop-down menu includes options for the following:
- Delete existing questions? [ ] checkbox
See Questions Import Record Format for more information.
Export all of the questions in the Program Questions table by clicking the Export button . Pop-up window fields will need to be completed:
- File name*
- Defaults to a "Questions Export_mm-dd.yy_hh-mm-ss.csv" file name
- Delimiter
- Comma (default)
- Tab
- Pipe
- Export Format
- Transferology (default, this is also the recommended format)
- (legacy)
NOTE:The File name* field generates a default file name that may be customized before exporting.
See Questions Import Record Format for more information.
Answers are managed from the Program Questions page. Click on an Answers hyperlink on the Questions page to link out to the Answers page:
Answer Fields
Answers are arranged by several columns:
Name | Screenshot | Description | Restriction (if applicable) |
Type | Determines what information, if any, will be added to the audit request Three types of answers include None, Marker Requirements, and Pseudo Courses:
Text | The text displayed to the user | Required Max length 100 |
Next Question | The follow-up question to this answer | Can be none or a follow-up question | |
Move button | Click-and-drag on the Move button corresponding to the selected answer to change the order in the list; a green bubble confirms that the list order was updated. |
Edit | Edit the selected answer. Clicking Edit for a specific Answer generates an Answer pop-up window with Answer Information and Marker Information. | ||
Display Order | The order in which the answers are listed | Not directly editable–set by rearranging rows with the Move button | |
Delete | Delete the selected answer |
Edit Answer
Answer Information Window
The Answer Information section of the window is displayed regardless of Answer Type (None, Marker Requirement, or Pseudo Course), and is always displayed as the top pane of the Answer pop-up window.
Fields for answer information include the following:
Field | Description |
Text * | Key in customized text for the answer information (required) |
Next Question | Select the subsequent question from the drop-down selection, including None (default) or one any of the other previously created questions |
Answer Type | Select an answer type form the drop-down selection:
Marker Information
Sends a marker requirement or list with the plan request to the degree audit.
The Marker Information section of the window is displayed with an Answer Type selection of "Marker Requirement":
Additional fields for Marker Information include the following:
Field | Description | uAchieve Equivalent | Restriction |
Marker Type | Select whether to add a marker requirement or list (list of requirements) to the plan | DrType | Required
Requirement Name* | Insert the value, beginning with $, currently listed in the degree program definition for the specified program | $RName | Required Max length 9 |
Requirement/List Value* | Insert the replacement requirement name (RNAME) to be included in the degree audit. The value replaces the $Marker in the degree program definition. | DrVal | Required Max length 9 |
Catalog Year Term | Specify a Year/Term value if it should be specific rather than the catalog year/term selected by the user in the Request Plan. | Catlyt | 4 digits followed by 0-2 alphanumeric characters |
Instcd | Specify a value if different from the INSTCD defined for your institution in Transferology. | Instcd | Max length 3 |
Control Code* | Enter the Exception Control Code for processing parameters | CtrlCd | Required Max length 2 |
See additional field specs here
Cancel (or x) to close without saving, Save and Add Followup Question to save and continue adding questions, or Save to save changes:
Pseudo Course Information
Adding a Pseudo Courses adds a fake course to be used in the Transfer processing to cause something to occur for the student in the audit, e.g., if a student completed a subset of GENED and that generates multiple requirements to have completed areas.
The Pseudo Course Information section of the window is displayed with an Answer Type selection of "Pseudo Course":
Additional fields for Pseudo Course Information include the following:
Field | Description | uAchieve Equivalent | Restriction |
Pseudo Course (pflg)?* | Pseudo course | Pflg | Required
Instidq | InstIDQ associated with the course | Instidq | |
Instid* | InstID associated with the course | Instid | Required Max length 8 |
Instcd | InstCD associated with the course | Instcd | Max Length 3 |
Rcredit | Enter credit hours to be assigned to the course for the inclusion in the request. | RCredit | |
Course Dept* | The pseudo course prefix of the course to be added | Part of Course | Required Max length 15 |
Course Number | The pseudo course number of the course to be added | Part of Course | Max length 15 |
Course Title | Enter a pseudo coure title to show in the student's Plan with this course | Title | Max length 29 |
Course Year Month* | Enter a Year and Month in CCYYMM format for the course | YR/TM | Required Required length 6 |
Grade* | Enter a grade to assigned to the course. The grade given should match a grade given for the institution identified in the INSTID, INSTID and INSTCD definition with this course. | Grade | Required Max length 4 |
See additional field specs here
Cancel (or x) to close without saving, Save and Add Followup Question to save and continue adding questions, or Save to save changes:
Add Answer
To create a new answer, click the Add Answer button. Pop-up window fields will need to be completed:
- Text*
- New Question
- Answer Type
Questions Import/Export Record Format
View the two file import/export record formats for programs in the Lab for Transferology and on the Questions and Answers Import Record Format page.