TES Catalog Change Requests: Submit Course-Level Changes
This article overviews the process for submitting TES Catalog Change Requests pertaining to specific courses offered at an institution. When there are differences between course codes on a student transcript and those used in the course catalog data sets in Transferology®, Transfer Specialists and Program Admins can use this feature to submit a request to CollegeSource to review the course code display.
Articles in this series:
- TES Catalog Change Requests: An Overview
- TES Catalog Change Requests: Submit Course-Level Changes
- TES Catalog Change Requests: Submit Department-Wide Changes
- Manage TES Catalog Change Requests
Institutions may encounter situations where the transcript and course catalog codes differ for only some courses within a department. For example, an institution might, on the transcript, place a leading zero in front of a developmental course in a particular department. However, this leading zero may not appear in the institution catalog.
To request a change to a specific course within a Department:
- Go to the Rule Management menu.
- Select TES Catalog Change Requests.
The TES Catalog Change Requests screen will appear. Any previously submitted requests will be listed to the right.
- Select Course-Level Changes.
- Under School Name, type the school's name into the search box.
- As characters are entered, choices will begin to auto-populate.
- Select the School Name from the list.
- Select the Confirm Source School button.
- Under Department, type the name of the Department within which the course resides in the search box.
- As characters are entered, choices will begin to auto-populate from the institution's primary catalog's most recent course data set from TES®.
- Select the Department name.
- Select the Add Request button to the right of the course code to be reviewed.
- Repeat the steps above to add up to five courses to the list.
- See Submitting Multiple Courses for Review for additional information before doing so.
- Fill in the following fields for each course.
- If a course was added in error, select the trashcan icon (Remove Request).
Field | Description/Instrucitons |
Requested Code | Type in the course code precisely as it appears on the student transcript. Example: MATH0103 |
Start Month | This field is used to identify the term in which the transcript course code appears on the student transcript. Select the approximate start month using the guidelines below:
Start Year | This field is used to identify the term in which the transcript course code appears on the student transcript. Enter the year in which the term begins. Format: YYYY |
End Month | This field is used to identify the term in which the transcript course code appears on the student transcript. Select the approximate month of the end of the term using the guidelines below:
End Year | This field is used to identify the term in which the transcript course code appears on the student transcript. Enter the year in which the term ends. Format: YYYY |
- Select Send Request.
- The Catalog Change Request Preview pop-up will appear.
- Review the data contained within the request.
- Provide any additional information needed to review the request in the field supplied.
- Users are required to provide additional information with the request.
- Example: "I verified that while MATH103 is the course code used in CollegeSource University (SH)'s catalog, MATH0103 is the code that appears on the transcript for Fall 2023."
- Users are required to provide additional information with the request.
- Select Send.
- A message will appear indicating that a ticket has been created.
Once submitted, the request will appear under the heading of Active Requests by (Institution Name) in Transferology® Lab. The details submitted on the Catalog Change Request Preview screen will be documented within the information icon under Changes.
See Manage TES Catalog Change Requests for further information.
Submitting Multiple Courses for Review
As noted above, users have the ability to submit up to five courses for review at once. Selected courses would populate the Catalog Change Request Preview screen, as shown below.
When entering additional information, be sure to explain the request as it pertains to all the courses in question.

Courses submitted under one request will be grouped together as such under Active Requests by (Institution Name):
Users can select the information icon to the right of the first applicable Dept/CrsNo to review the additional information submitted with the request: