Update Transferology Lab User Accounts: Information, Roles, Deactivation, and Reactivation
This article details the steps for updating Transferology® Lab user accounts, making changes to biographical data and user roles, and deactivating and reactivating users. School Admins will need to adjust information within a user’s account as the user changes jobs/responsibilities and when a user leaves the college or university.
In this article:
To update user information, roles, or deactivate or reactive a user:
- So go the School Profile menu.
- Select School Management.
- Select the Users tab.
- Locate the user needing an update.
- Use the Search By Name or Email search box if needed.
- Include inactive users in the user list and search and filter results by unmarking the Active users only checkbox.
- Select the Edit button to the far right of the user name.
Update Biographical Information
To update biographical information (such as Phone Number, Job Title, etc.):
- Navigate to the field(s) needing an update and use the keyboard to adjust the data.
- Select Save.
While this documentation illustrates how to update biographical information and user roles separately, both aspects of the profile can be updated at once.
Update User Roles
To update user roles:
- Navigate to the Role section.
- Unmark the checkbox to the left of the role(s) to be removed from the user.
- Mark the checkbox to the left of the newly assigned role(s).
- Select Save.
Deactivate Users
To deactivate a user:
- Unmark the User Active Status checkbox.
- Select Save.
Reactivate Users
To reactivate a user:
- Mark the User Active Status checkbox.
- Review the user’s biographical data and make any updates using the keyboard.
- Review the assigned role(s) the user was given before deactivation.
- Unmark the checkbox to the left of the role(s) to be removed from the user.
- Mark the checkbox to the left of the newly assigned role(s).
- Select Save.