Check Transfer Rules: Edit or Delete Source Department Aliases

Transferology® provides students with catalogs to select the courses, standardized exams, and military credits they have taken or plan to take. These catalogs originate from TES® and are also the data source used in Transferology® Lab Course Bundles and Replacement Courses.

When searching for matches, Transferology looks through each institution's source of equivalencies and attempts to locate rules for each transfer course. Check Transfer Rules allows institutions to see which courses within a transfer institution's catalog will return Match results if taken in the current term. Where active rules do not exist, the Transfer Specialist can:

  1. Review unevaluated courses to increase Match percentages.
  2. Review the alignment of department names used in transfer rules with those in the source school's TES catalogs.

If the transfer courses have different formatting than within the TES catalog, Transferology will be unable to find equivalencies and won't produce matches. Transfer Specialists can create a Source Department Alias to establish a link between the rule and catalog department. This article provides instructions for editing or deleting a Source Department Alias.

Editing or deleting a Source Department Alias will impact Match results in Transferology. Before doing so, ensure that the impact is understood.

To edit or delete a Source Department Alias in the Transferology Lab: 

  1. Follow the instructions within Check Transfer Rules: Review Courses without Active Rules to:
    1. View the percentage of courses with Active Rules in an institution catalog.
    2. View the percentage of Active Rules by Department.

A listing of all the Departments within the noted catalog edition will appear, sorted by the lowest-to-highest percentage of courses with active rules. To sort by highest-to-lowest percentage, select Courses with Active Rules.

Catalog Departments table.
Select to see a larger version
  1. Select the Catalog Department Matches tab.
Catalog Department Matches.
Select to see a larger version
  1. Locate the alias to be edited or deleted.
Callout highlights the Matching Catalog Department.
Select to see a larger version

Edit Source Department Aliases

To edit the alias:

  1. Select Edit Alias.
Callout highlights the Matching Catalog Department
Select to see a larger version
  1. The Source Department Alias pop-up will appear. 
    • Select an Alias from the pull-down menu.
      • A list of departments within the Source School's TES catalog will appear. 

Callout highlights the Select an Alias drop-down.

  1. Select Save.
    • A notification will confirm the alias has been saved.

The new alias will appear under the Matching Catalog Department. See Refresh the Percentage of Courses with Active Rules for next steps.

Delete Source Department Alises

To delete the alias, select Remove Alias.

A notification will confirm that the alias has been removed. For the next steps, see Refresh the Percentage of Courses with Active Rules.

Refresh the Percentage of Courses with Active Rules

If a Source Department Alias is changed, the new alias will apply upon the next Transferology rule upload. When students or fellow Transferology Lab users search for matches, rules using the alias will appear in the search results. 

If a Source Department Alias is deleted, the alias will no longer apply upon the next rule upload. When students or fellow Transferology Lab users search for matches, rules using the alias will no longer appear.

When further reviewing Check Transfer Rules, the percentage of courses with active rules must be refreshed to ensure that users are reviewing correct information.

To do so:

  1. Select the percentage value to the left of the School Name.
Callout highlights the percentage value.
Select to see a larger version

  1. Within the pop-up, select Request Again.

Callout highlights the Request Again button.

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