International Schools by I Code

This article provides resources for locating and requesting I Codes for use within Transferology®.

What Are I Codes?

I Codes are used in Transferology to identify institutions outside of the United States. Colleges and universities supplying transfer rules from uAchieve® utilize I Codes within the Source ID field of Institutional Reference (IREF) and Transfer Articulation (TA) tables to facilitate the display of rules in Transferology.

I Codes begin with the letter "I" and are followed by three numbers. For example:

I Code Institution Name
I258 Aoyama Gakuin University

When a student enters the name of an international institution into the Will My Courses Transfer? path in Transferology, if there is an associated I Code, names containing/matching the characters entered will start to appear.

Callout highlights presence of Aoyama Gakuin University in Transferology.

Once the student selects the correct institution name, the student can enter courses taken at the institution and search for Matches across participating institutions.

Select image to see a larger version

Image of Match results; a 100% Match was found at CollegeSource University.

Similarly, staff using Transferology® Lab can view established equivalencies through both the Transfer Equivalencies page and when searching for Matches to courses within a Course Bundle.

Locate an I Code

I Codes can be located one of two ways:

  1. Via the School Look Up in the Transferology Lab; or
  2. Via a spreadsheet maintained by CollegeSource.

For the most up-to-date information, utilize the School Look Up. The I Code spreadsheet is updated periodically and lists all I Codes available as of the date noted.

Request an I Code Be Added to Transferology

If an I Code is not available within Transferology, a Transferology Lab user may request one be added.

Before requesting an I Code, please verify the code is not available within the School Look Up.

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