Unknown Equivalencies FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) are common questions that are individually addressed. This page is dedicated specifically to the Unknown Equivalencies area of Transferology. FAQs contain dynamic content that is frequently updated, so please check back often. 

If you have a question to add to the list, please contact us.

Need the full documentation? See Unknown Equivalencies page

What causes an Unknown Equivalency?

Once a student adds a course to his/her list in the Transferology student application, two things must happen for a course to show up on the Unknown Equivalencies page for a specific school:

  • The student must look at the School Results page for that school
  • The course must show up on the Maybe tab on the School Results page

Unknown Equivalences provide an avenue for Transferology to notify a school when a student looks up courses they hope to transfer to your school and there is no match found.  

When does the Lab show the Unknown Equivalency?

The school will see the course in its Unknown Equivalencies list the following day.

How is the Date Range used in the Filter Box?

The date range filters are based upon the date that the student viewed the results for a particular school.

How are the State and Distance filters applied?

State and Distance filters are applied according to the physical location of the source school (i.e., where the course was taken).

What happens when the school creates a transfer rule for that course?

If the school later creates a transfer rule that applies to that course, the course will be removed from the school's list.

Are the school's Unknown Equivalencies an entire, comprehensive list of the unknowns?

No, it is not intended to be an exhaustive list of all of the school's Unknown Equivalencies that have ever occurred. (See above)

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