Unknown Equivalencies

The Unknown Equivalencies functionality provides a way for schools to troubleshoot "unknown" equivalencies–those equivalencies with no clear transfer articulation rules associated with them. 

Once a student adds a course to their list in the Transferology student application, two things must happen for a course to show up on the Unknown Equivalencies page for a specific school:

  • The student must look at the School Results page for that school
  • The course must show up on the Maybe tab on the School Results page

The proactive Transfer Specialist can study the list of unknown equivalencies, make rules to rectify them, and (under ideal circumstances) this page will be empty.
NOTE: Unknown Equivalencies is restricted to Transfer Specialists only.

Need fast answers? See Unknown Equivalencies FAQs

From the Rule Management menu, select Unknown Equivalencies from the drop-down menu:

The generated list of unknown equivalencies is displayed in order of decreasing count:

Per the example above, over 500 unknown equivalency courses are returned:

NOTE: 0 Courses Found? If the table of unknown equivalencies unexpectedly appears empty, double-check that the filter is not excluding results. The "Courses Found" number does not reflect a total (unfiltered) number of courses because the Filter box is set to apply certain filters to the Unknown Equivalencies list, by default. Click the Clear filters button to view the total list of courses found.

Manage Unknown Equivalencies

Because the list of unknown equivalencies may be quite extensive, Transferology provides several methods of managing the display, including pagination and filtering.

NOTE: Only 1 Count per unique user.


Use the First, Previous, and Next buttons located above/below the list of courses to navigate through the content, page-by-page.


By default, the Unknown Equivalencies list is filtered to the home state of your institution and includes the last three months' timeframe. A variety of filters may be applied to the data to customize the display for the Transfer Specialist, using either the keyword search or the Filter box. For example, filters can allow the user to focus on a particular state, school, military course/occupation, and much more!

Apply/clear keywords and filters using the Apply and Clear Filters buttons. After adjusting any filter, click Apply to activate the filter.

NOTE: Filters can hide the entire display of results based upon set parameters. Be sure to check or clear filters if no courses are found unexpectedly.


Key a specific school name or course into the search field to filter results. For example, with "urb..." applied as a filter in the keyword search field, all unknown equivalencies at institutions that match the keyword "urb..." are generated (in order of descending count):

The list of Unknown Equivalencies is now restricted based on the new applied filter, from over 500 down to 1:

NOTE: Be careful to spell the specific course name/school correctly, otherwise it will not be returned as a match once the filter is applied.

Filter Box

Filter unknown equivalencies by sorting, date range, location, distance, and/or reviewed courses:


Sort the list of unknown equivalencies by one of several options:

  • Count increasing
  • Count decreasing
  • Course increasing
  • Course decreasing
  • Distance increasing
  • Distance decreasing
  • School increasing
  • School decreasing
  • State increasing
  • State decreasing

Date Range

Click in the calendar field to change the date range:

NOTE: The default setting on the date range filter is the past 90 days (three months)


Select from an alphabetical listing of US states, Canadian provinces, US territories, Military, or even All Locations.

NOTE: The default setting on the location filter is the state in which the school you are logged in from resides.


Select an incremental distance from the designated zip code or even online only:

Drop-down menu options for distance include the following:

  • Any distance (default)
  • less than 25 minutes
  • less than 50 minutes
  • less than 100 minutes
  • less than 250 minutes
  • less than 500 minutes
  • online only

NOTE: The default setting for the distance filter is the zip code of the institution the Transfer Specialist logs in from and a distance of "Any Distance"

Update Zip Code

Select a zip code filter by manually entering or allowing Transferology to use your current location.

  • Click the Update Zip Code hyperlink to change the zip code filter. A pop-up dialog box displays a field to manually enter the desired zip code.
  • Alternately, you may choose your current location using the Use My Current Location button.
Reviewed Courses

Choose to display all courses or select between reviewing/not reviewed courses:

Options include:

  • All courses
  • Reviewed Courses
  • Not Reviewed Courses

NOTE: "Not Reviewed Courses" is the default setting.

Apply/Clear Filters

After appropriate filter selections are made, click the Apply button to apply the selected filter selections. Clear filter selections using the Clear Filters button.

TES Mode tab

A TES Mode tab may appear next to the Filter tab. The TES Mode tab helps users target the courses from other institutions for which students most want transfer answers.


The Course column provides a list of courses (DEPT###) within each respective institution that have unknown equivalencies


The School column lists the name of the institution for each course


The State column lists the state within which each institution resides


The Distance column provides the geographic distance of each institution from the user's specified area code in the Filter box


The Count of unknown equivalencies reveals the number of students who have added a particular course AND viewed matches at your school.

NOTE: The use of the term "Count" on the Unknown Equivalencies page has a different meaning than the use of "Count" on the Popular Courses page. See  Popular Courses Count for more information.

In the above example, a count of 5 means that five students have added this particular course AND viewed match details at the university. Also note the breakdown of the total count and indication of which catalog the course was taken from.

Schools generally aim for a low ranking on the Unknown Equivalencies list. Transfer Specialists can use the Unknown Equivalencies function to be more vigilant with rule building.


The Details information button allows Transfer Specialists to view details of a single course's Unknown Equivalencies by date taken:

In the example above, CHE1251 is identified at the top of this Unknown Equivalencies page because it has the highest Count of unknown equivalencies on the list at 5.


The course status default is that of  not reviewed until the Mark Reviewed button is selected:

Not Reviewed (default)


Toggle between not reviewed/reviewed options based upon preference.

A green success bubble will confirm updating of the selected course:

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