Lab FAQs

Got a question about Transferology®? We have answers! If a question is not addressed below, please contact us at:


What Are the User Roles That Can Be Assigned in the Lab?

There are 7 distinct user roles in the Transferology® Lab:

  1. Recruiter
  2. Advisor
  3. Transfer Specialist
  4. School Admin
  5. Program Admin
  6. TES Evaluator
  7. Transfer Pathway Admin

See User Rights and Permissions for an overview of these roles and the access granted with each to areas/functionalities within the Transferology Lab.

Population and Tuition Icons

How Are the Icons for Undergraduate Population and Annual Tuition Ranges Defined?

The icons visually indicate the Population and Tuition based on a 5-point scale. The ranges for each are defined in the table below.

The tooltip that appears when hovering over the icon with the mouse shows exact values for the population. A similar tooltip will indicate whether the presented range is for in- or out-of-state tuition.



Icon Range(Students) Quintile Icon Range(Dollars) - In State Range(Dollars) - Out of State

0-3,600 1

480-14,382 480-12,717

3,600-7,750 2

14,383-28,286 12,718-24,595

7,750-14,300 3

28,287-42,189 24,596-37,194

14,300-22,750 4

42,190-56,093 37,195-49,432

22,750+ 5

56,094+ 43,433+

Equivalency Data

How Do Schools Get Equivalency Information into Transferology®?

There are four primary ways to get equivalency data into Transferology:

  1. Existing TES Equivalencies
  2. Flat File Import
  3. Transferology Connector (uAchieve)
  4. Transfer Rule Extractor (T-Rex)

See Getting Equivalencies into Transferology for more information.

Who Do We Send Flat File To?

Please send flat files to

  • Flat files should be pipe (|) delimited text files.
  • Importing Transfer Equivalencies provides an overview of the import process and file specifications needed.

When Do We Have to Get CollegeSource® a Flat File?

Information is updated in Transferology® on an ongoing basis. Institutions may submit data files at any time. 

How Often is Equivalency Data Updated? 

How often equivalency data is uploaded depends on the source of the data:

Source Frequency of Update
Existing TES Equivalencies Daily Tuesday-Saturday morning.
Flat File Import Flat files may be submitted twice per year with the institution's subscription. Institutions may opt to purchase additional submissions.
Transferology Connector

Institutions running the Transferology 5.0.x Connector can receive daily refreshes after:

  1. Running the required scripts.
  2. Contacting CollegeSource to finalize setup.

Once setup is complete, data will be pulled daily, and equivalencies will be available the next day.

If an institution is running the Transferology 5.0.x Connector but has not taken the above steps, data will be pulled daily, but equivalencies will be available two days later.

(Example: Data pulled on Monday --> equivalencies available Wednesday)

Institutions running Transferology Connector 4.4.x or 4.3.x:

Daily; equivalencies available two days later 

Transfer Rule Extractor (T-Rex) Once per week (Saturday).

The Transferology 5.0.x Connector gives institutions the option for nightly equivalency refresh and HTML and PDF degree audits.

Where Can I Find the Does Not Transfer List for Target Courses?

The Does Not Transfer List provides a list of values that can be used in transfer equivalency data to indicate that a course does not transfer to an institution. Courses carrying these values will automatically receive a 1% Match score when searching for Matches and show in the Misses tab in Transferology® and Transferology® Lab. This list is available within the Transferology Lab Support Center.

Catalog Data

How Do I Determine My Institution's Catalog Source within Transferology®?

Within Transferology® Lab:

  1. Select the General Information tab.
  2. Scroll down to Misc data.
    • See Catalog source*.


Is Secure Socket Layer (SSL) Required within the URL to My School's Degree Audit Server?


Does Transferology® Support HTTP 1.0 Basic Authorization, with Username and Encoded Password, When Sending the EDAG DegreeAuditRequest?

Yes. Transferology is able to send the standard Basic Authorization request header. Please send your EDAG's Basic Authentication credentials to

Is a Self-Signed SSL Certificate Allowed for the URL to My School's Degree Audit Server?

No. We do not import certificates into the Transferology environment.

My School Has a Transferology Connector or External Degree Audit Server. What IP Do I Need to Allow Through My School's Firewall for Programs to Work?

Transferology must send an XML program request to your Connector or external Degree Audit server. Additionally, your Connector or external Degree Audit server must send the resulting XML program response document back to Transferology.

For this exchange of XML documents to work properly, your school's firewall must allow the following IP addresses to open an https connection to your school's Transferology Connector or external Degree Audit server. Additionally, your school's Transferology Connector or external Degree Audit server must be able to open an https connection to the Transferology web services. Their IP addresses and domain names are listed below:

  • (TEST Transferology web services)
  • (PROD Transferology web services)

*For increased security, schools may choose to restrict access to their servers by environment, i.e., the TEST Transferology web services are only allowed to connect to your school's test serve and vice versa.

Will Interactive Audit Work in Transferology?



For assistance with troubleshooting an issue in Transferology, please reach out to CollegeSource via the Help button in Transferology® Lab:

  1. Select Help on any page in the Lab.
  2. Select Ask.
  3. Fill in the fields requested.
    • Fields include: Subject, How can we help? 
      • In describing the issue, please be as specific as possible.
    • It is helpful to provide screenshots or a Steps Recording of the issue.
      • To upload supporting files, select the picture icon.
  4. Select Send a message.

Why Can't Safari Tab between Menus, Fields, and Links?

If you are having trouble tabbing between menus, fields, and links within your browser, you may need to enable highlighting:

  • Select the Safari menu item.
  • Select Settings.
  • Select Advanced.
  • Under Accessibility, enable the checkbox for Press Tab to highlight each item on a webpage.
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